Dragon Dirt Featured Ingredients
Dragon Dirt Featured Ingredients
Exploring One of the Most Nutritious Leaves on the Planet
Grab a bag HERE. Find out about all 18 ingredients at www.drinkthedirt.com
The World's Healthiest Fruit?
Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, is one of the most antioxidant-rich food sources on the planet—particularly when in its concentrated powder form. Native to India and a versatile component in Ayurvedic medicine, amla is an unparalleled immunity-booster, among many other things. It mitigates the build-up of LDL cholesterol (for greater heart health), regulates blood sugar levels, brings relief to a number of digestive issues, promotes healthy skin by protecting collagen, and can even improve the mitochondrial health of eye cells. Amla also appears to have anti-cancer properties, as in vitro studies have shown it to not only stunt cancer cell growth, but also block the invasion of these cells. There is a full 1500 mgs of Indian Gooseberry in a single serving of Dragon Dirt!
Grab a bag HERE. Find out about our other 17 ingredients at www.drinkthedirt.com
Feel the Power of the Golden Powder!
Turmeric is a flowering plant that’s been a part of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Perhaps most recognized as the golden-yellow spice in curry, turmeric's powerful anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to be as effective as certain anti-inflammatory drugs—minus the side effects. This makes it ideal as both a natural pain reliever and an effective workout recovery agent. It has also been identified as an ally in combating heart disease and restricting growth in cancerous cells. There is a hefty 600 mgs of turmeric in a single serving of Dragon Dirt!
Grab a bag HERE. Find out about all 18 ingredients at www.drinkthedirt.com
Superior Protein Galore!
The biggest, strongest animals on the planet get their protein from plants, and science tells us that humans can thrive by doing the same! We anchor our 23-gram, 4-ingredient protein blend with Yellow Pea, a nutritional juggernaut that weighs in at over 80% pure protein. Excellent for exercise recovery or building muscle, our North America-sourced pea protein is easily digested, hypo-allergenic, and low in sodium (unlike most other forms in the market). It’s also high in heart-healthy arginine, which supports optimal blood flow.
Meet Maqui... the South American Antioxidant Powerhouse!
Direct from South America’s Valdivian rainforests, we like to refer to maqui berry as “blueberries on steroids.” Loaded with anthocyanins (particularly the mega-potent delphinidins), maqui packs a powerful antioxidant punch that consistently places it at the top of most "world’s most nutrient-dense superfruits” lists. Early on, the Chilean Mauche Indians were said to have consumed a fermented maqui beverage three times per day to maintain their legendary strength and endurance. These days, Maqui also helps to relieve oxidative stress and chronic inflammation around the body, while stabilizing blood glucose and insulin levels. There is a full 1000 mgs of maqui berry in a single serving of Dragon Dirt. Grab a bag HERE. Find out about all 18 ingredients at www.drinkthedirt.com.
Meet Cordyceps... one of my all-time favorite superfoods:
Cordyceps mushroom is a centuries-old medicinal elixir with origins in exclusive mountain regions of China, Tibet, and Nepal. Its healing properties are legendary, as it bolsters kidney, lung, and sexual function, as well as overall immunity. “Cordy” is also a renowned athletic performance enhancer, cranking up cellular bio-energy (ATP) and optimizing oxygen capacity for increased energy levels and endurance. Today, painstaking harvesting methods enable us to include only the organic fruiting bodies in our blend (unlike many other brands), which retain the maximum amount of its coveted attributes. There is a full 600 mgs of cordyceps in a single serving of Dragon Dirt. Find out about all 18 ingredients at www.drinkthedirt.com
Hands down, this one, and in hefty amounts, virtually every day since 1993:

As one of the oldest food sources on earth, Spirulina is a blue-green algae that resides firmly at the bottom of the food chain and has gone on to become one of the original superfoods. First discovered by the Aztecs as an endurance-booster for their marathon treks, spirulina is rich in a host of nutrients, including B vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper, chromium, and chlorophyll. It also has renowned anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as it bolsters higher levels of alkalinity in the blood. There is a whopping 1500 mg of spirulina in a single serving of Dragon Dirt! Find out about all 18 ingredients at www.drinkthedirt.com
Beet juice offers one of the most concentrated forms of dietary nitrate, which raises nitric oxide levels in the bloodstream and helps the arteries relax. This promotes increased blood flow and a more efficient use of oxygen, which means elevated aerobic capacity for athletes, and a healthier heart and greater cardiovascular efficiency for everyone. Although the most convincing science is with beet juice (as it contains over 150% more nitrate than merely eating beets), most beet powder products are sourced direct from the root, as opposed to the juice of the root. Not us. There is a staggering three full grams of beet juice powder in a single serving of Dragon Dirt. Grab a bag HERE. Find out about all 18 ingredients at www.drinkthedirt.com
For more than 3000 years, Ashwagandha has been one of the most revered healing agents in Ayurvedic medicine. Also known as Indian ginseng, this adaptogenic herb offers a wide range of benefits. It helps the body cope with anxiety by balancing stress hormones (like cortisol) and boosting adrenal function; improves brain health and bolsters sleep quality; reduces blood sugar levels while decreasing certain inflammation markers like C-reactive protein; and remains one of the only plants proven to enhance thyroid function. There is a full 600 mgs of ashwagandha in a single serving of Dragon Dirt. Grab a bag HERE. Find out about all 18 ingredients at www.drinkthedirt.com
When I first jumped on the veggie path late in 1990, wheatgrass juice was the first superfood I really embraced out of the gate. I had heard it was an incredible detoxifier and… well, the reports were true! But the shit is potent as hell, so the standard 2oz hit of juice might be a bit over-the-top to sustain daily on the long-term, beyond a strategic period of “cleaning out.” Plus, it’s a huge pain-in-the-ass to try and juice every day (as it requires a special juicer and your own fresh wheatgrass flats that you can pick from before juicing). BUT - a full-size, 1000 mgs serving of wheatgrass juice in highly-concentrated powder form is the perfect amount for daily use, especially when combined with two or three other super greens. And that’s what I’ve included in our coveted Dragon Dirt recipe. Here’s a bit more info…
Wheatgrass juice is undoubtedly the most powerful of all juices. With a 70% chlorophyll content, you would be hard-pressed to find a more potent purifier of the blood and detoxifier of the body. It’s been known to cleanse the lymph system, remove toxic minerals from cells, and aid in the prevention of degenerative diseases. It also includes nutritional gems like Superoxide Dismutase (an enemy to cancer cells) and an enzyme called P4D1, which is shown to stimulate the repair of DNA molecules. However, to replicate the concentrated power of the juice in powder form, it must be dehydrated from the actual juice, not the grass. There is a full 1000 mgs of wheatgrass juice powder in a single serving of Dragon Dirt. Find out about all 18 ingredients at www.drinkthedirt.com.