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News Feed

2-5-23: Our little man has arrived! He is healthy and thriving, and momma Kari Wahlgren is recovering nicely—even after those 18 hours of labor and nearly 4 hours of hard pushing! Sleep has been at a premium lately, of course, but we don’t care. We are both over the moon about our new addition.
It has been an exceedingly emotional time for me. I get choked up over my little man at least once a day. Perhaps it’s a deeper sense of wonder, sentiment, and appreciation that accompanies my older age. Perhaps it's a taste of resolution to the profound pain of loss I’ve endured through these past three decades. Maybe both. But I’m already telling my boy that he has a “sensitive” papa. Hopefully, I won’t embarrass him too much in the years ahead!
To scope out a bunch more details, check out this weekend’s edition of the Bobby Rock Newsletter here:
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1-2-23: After our 2022/2023 New Year's Eve set with Lita Ford at a show in Cincinnati, I was soaking wet, as usual. But I had to step shirtless into the cold night air, en route to the tour bus, which was our backstage area for the evening. Immediately, steam started rising thick off my skin! It was trippy. Photos and vids were taken to document this phenomenon!
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12-3-22: This week marks two years since our official pre-launch of Dragon Dirt. We'll do a bit more about this on the official two-year anniversary in January, but for now... I just ran across this “thank you” video I shot in commemoration of last year’s pre-launch anniversary, and it still feels relevant, in terms of how this whole thing came to be, how we continue to do things, etc. Scope it… and thanks, everybody!
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9-22-22: The Blog has arrived: Italy Excursion 2022 -
Early in 2022, it was decided that my girl, Kari, and I would take a ten-day trip to Italy. I have obviously played there through the years, but with the exception of a "writer's retreat" I took to Rome in 2017 (where I did get a chance to see some of the city's spectacular staple sights), it's always been the usual European tour protocol there: flight/ground transport, to hotel, to venue, to hotel, to flight/ground transport, to the next city. Criminal, I know, given all there is to see on that majestic continent. And where Italy is concerned? Double-criminal, considering that both of my mother's parent's families came over to the US from Italy at the turn of the 20th century.
Still, I don’t recall ever taking ten days in a row of downtime like this, so I wasn’t sure how I would manage when we left in early May. Well… I managed just fine, let me tell you! The trip was beyond magnificent: super-dense with incredible beauty, great food, and memorable life experiences at every turn. Truly, it was a trip of a lifetime.
I’ve always loved capturing key trips and tours in blog form, especially since this format allows for the use of multiple mediums (writing, photos, and videos) to convey the unique particulars of each adventure. The challenge, for me, has always been to find that balance between what I'm personally hoping to memorialize about a trip vs. what I’m hoping my dear readers might find engaging. It can be tricky… especially when and if the trip was life-altering on a personal level.
This 2022 Italy excursion would fall firmly in the life-altering category (more details on that soon) and so, I found myself having trouble deciphering between the above two points of challenge: what was important to me vs. what might be interesting to you! I’m sure it’s leaning heavily in the former, but I hope there’s enough of the latter.
That said, this blog is likely my most extensive to date—a true labor of love to put together—with tons of beautiful pics, detailed itinerary info, food “captures” of the infamous cuisine over there and, of course, several scenic running videos around Tuscany, Florence, and Sorrento.
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9-21-22: (High school pic: close to three years of sobriety...and more hair than will fit in the frame!)
Stoked to celebrate 46 years of sobriety last week, but didn’t get around to posting about it…. not sure why. But I did write about it extensively in my latest Newsletter (Issue #76). Scope it here
In this issue, I also offered up some Buddha wisdom and discussed the first album I ever bought. Be sure and sign up for my weekly Newsletter in the upper right-hand corner of the page at the above link. I crank out a new one EVERY Saturday.
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8-24-22: How I Quit Smoking (and what my first “real” drum kit had to do with the decision…)
Here’s an excerpt from a recent edition of the Bobby Rock Newsletter. I crank one out every week. Be sure and sign up for free in the upper right-hand corner of any page at
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I just celebrated 43 years of no smoking earlier this month on August 8th, so I figured I would give you guys the quick (and rather unusual) background on how this unlikely landmark came to be.
In my extensive blog about my sobriety journey (catch the link on the original posting), I had mentioned that, when I first started attending a rehab program at 13, the counselor urged my parents to allow me to smoke in front of them as sort of an olive-branch move that he could leverage against me agreeing to a 30-day commitment to the program. My folks were not so keen on this idea, but if it meant there might be a better chance of me letting go of the weed and alcohol, they were agreeable. Sure enough, it proved to be an effective “goodwill” tactic for me to try the program in earnest, and I would never touch weed, alcohol, or any other kind of drug from that day forward (9-14-76).
As for smoking, well, let’s just say that for every 20 kids in the program that gave up getting stoned, 19 of us smoked like a plastic factory. And I would continue my pack-and-a-half-a-day habit, right along with both of my parents, each of whom smoked about as much. (Can you imagine what our 2000 sq. ft. home in Houston must’ve fucking smelled like back then? God bless the seventies…)
Over the next several years, my dad and I would arbitrarily enter into a half-hearted attempt to quit together… with specific stakes that we would outline in a one-page, handwritten contract: If I started up again first, I would have to pay him some sizable chunk of change—like, say, $1000—by my 18th birthday which, presumably, would require some kind of monthly installment program from the various odd jobs I would sustain, especially through the summer. But, if he started up first, he would have to buy me a brand new, Pearl Octaplus-style kit with a full array of concert toms. We would shake on it and then have a final smoke together. But then, in a desperate moment of weakness over the next several days, one of us would propose that we renege on the deal, tear up the contract, and return to our pack-and-a-half-a day habit. There was never much resistance offered up from the one who did NOT suggest the cancellation, and cigarettes would be lit up within five minutes.
Finally, at 16, it was time to take the plunge on that big-ass Pearl kit. None of us had that kind of money lying around, so my dad agreed to finance the kit with a two-year deal via a bank loan… with the understanding that I would be responsible for making the payment every month. I agreed and got a job at a local car wash. Six weeks later, I was the proud owner of a beautiful 13-piece Pearl kit with a chrome finish. It was slammin’!
Life was grand… except for one issue: the car wash job required an “unreasonable” amount of time: several three-hour shifts after school during the week, plus eight to ten-hour shifts on both Saturday and Sunday. This new job was seriously cutting into my valuable practice time! What the fuck was the point of having this kick-ass kit if I was stuck at work all the time, I reasoned?
And so, three or four months into our new arrangement, I approached my dad with a slight variation on our normal quit-smoking agreement…
Catch the rest of the article here:
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7-26-22: Last week’s run in PA… or was it NY?
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7-22-22: I’ve been a DW guy for ages now, so we always do a backline request for DWs for all shows where I’m not able to bring my own kit (which is more common than not these days). Sometimes, if the backline co can’t meet my specs in a DW kit, we have to use another brand (like Yamaha, Tama, etc). And if it doesn’t at least involve DW hardware, it can be a long night for my tech, Jesse, because I’m generally pretty tough on cymbal stands.
But the upside is, I get to play a wide variety of cool drums throughout the year. And on occasions where you walk into a gig (like today) where they have a full DW kit with the added variety of three Black Beauties - one 5.5” as a second snare (more like a timbale) and two 6.5” for my main snare (one for back-up), you know it’s gonna be a great show! Thanks to Dan at Bam Backline and More for the killer kit tonight…
With Lita Ford:
July 22 - Horseheads, NY - The L
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7-21-22: End-of-show salutations from a hit in the midwest last week. This week, the Lita Ford train rolls through the northeast for a couple more:
July 22 - Horseheads, NY - The L
July 23 - Butler, PA - Butler Bikes & BBQ
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7-12-22: Celebrating two years of consecutive daily meditation today. I’ve had a practice for many years and I’ve been using this Calm app for the past few, which is cool because it keeps track of the days and times. Certainly, not every “medi” is a transcendent experience... but neither is every workout or practice session. But I do believe there is something about just showing up every day that's much better than NOT showing up every day. I find that structure in a meditation practice can be just as beneficial as structure in any other endeavor, like practicing, running, hitting the weights, or writing.
And, just like anything else we practice, we’re gonna see improvements. To that end, I’ve always thought of meditation like weightlifting for your brain. Little by little, you strengthen your mind and are able to bring a lot more intentionality into your life, as far as: controlling what kinds of thoughts and inner dialogues you let linger in your mind and which ones you gently escort the hell out, how quickly you tend to react to “unfavorable” happenings, and how effectively you can mitigate the inner-chatter, especially when it’s time to concentrate—like during a medi session. I find all of these skills to be quite useful!
For the full report, check out my article, “This Is Your Brain On Meditation” at:
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7-11-22: Hangin’ with the “Rockett Man” for a hot second after the Lita Ford set the other night at the Appalachian Wireless Arena in Kentucky, opening for Poison. A fellow vegan, a brother drummer, and an all-around bad motherfucker, it’s always great to see (and hear!) Rikki…
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6-9-22: Here’s another solo clip I just stumbled across in the archives from a Lita Ford run through Sweden and Norway a few years back. Another scaled-down kit situation, but we always try to make do. Dig…
To see more of this kind of thing, scope out the Drum Vid Vault on my website:
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6-8-22: The longest hotel hallway in America? Possibly, I say. That’s why, at the end of a late-night run in Sandusky last week, I had to do some wind-sprints up and down that bitch!
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6-6-22: A few behind-the-scenes pics from Saturday’s hit at Hard Rock Live in Gary, IN, with Lita Ford (+ Skid Row and Warrant). Killer hall, fiery backdrop, and, of course, delicious vegan meatballs at catering. Life is good, my friends…
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6-5-20: A pre-show shot of the Lita Ford band on Friday, moments before showtime in Sandusky, OH… plus a drummer’s perspective shot from the set. Kick-ass crowd!
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6-3-22: The Cub-Man is baaaaack… at least for this weekend. It’s been 34 years since we first started working together way back in the Vinnie Vincent Invasion days. However, Cubby finally went into “semi-retirement” from the road a couple years ago, bringing in my new guy, Jesse Davidson, as something of a permanent sub. But with Jesse not being able to make it this weekend, it’s now the legendary Cub-Man doing the subbing for the youngster. Full-circling this bitch, for sure!
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6-2-22: What you see vs. what I see (from last week in OK). Looking forward to seeing more of this over the weekend...
w/Lita Ford:
6-3-22 - Sandusky, OH - Ohio Bike Week
6-4-22 - Gary, IN - Hard Rock Live (+ Skid Row and Warrant)
Top pic by Denise Dossing
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6-1-22: Drink the Dirt Daily!
Pic: In Florence, with my Europe rig, set up in a hotel bathroom. Scope out that battered bag of Dirt!
The high-octane superfood smoothie has been a part of my DAILY routine since 1993. This includes when I travel, when things are hectic, when I’m on vacation, and when I’m someplace where the voltage is different than home.
In the states, I travel with a NutriBullet. But over in Europe—as was recently the case—I travel with a special blender (compatible with their voltage situation) that I bought over there years ago.
The two main reasons I recommend shooting for a daily dose of this kind of superfood powder is:
1. When traveling or super busy, and it’s less convenient to fuck with preparing your smoothie, that’s probably when it’s most important to have it! You are likely stressed, or at the very least, eating a lot of quick, but unhealthy food. The superfood smoothie provides an important foundation until you can get back on track with your normal regimen.
2. Many superfood ingredients—particularly adaptogens like herbs, spices, and mushrooms—have medicinal properties. But just like over-the-counter meds, you’ve gotta take them regularly to reap the full effects.
And again, you don’t have to use my shit. But I do recommend that whatever concoction you prefer includes full serving sizes of the various ingredients (which, unfortunately, is difficult to find in the marketplace).
Scope more about the Dirt here:
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5-30-22: Post-show celebration from the Lita Ford hit on Saturday at the Buffalo Run Casino (with Dokken and George Lynch). It was our first show with bassist Marten Andersson, who stepped up to the plate and absolutely crushed the gig; and also our first show without our beloved tour manager/soundman/everything-guy George Marshall who, as many of you know, passed unexpectedly earlier in the week.
High praise to our road family members Jarod Woznik and Debi Meullier Johnson for rising mightily to the occasion and taking care of business. It was a super-pro and ultra-smooth outing amidst a very emotional time. We know “St. George” was hanging around and pleased with how everything went down…
Pic by Teddy Allison
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5-26-22: We are all still processing the unexpected passing of our main man, George Marshall: tour manager, sound engineer extraordinaire, ringleader, sounding board, voice-of-reason (and much humor), glue-gun to the Lita Ford organization, and, of course, loyal brother to us all.
Pic: George to the right there, with Patrick, Marty, and me, in a cargo elevator on the road.
For the past six years, he’s been the guy behind the curtain, juggling his ass off around the clock, and keeping everything moving forward. And then this past Tuesday, while asleep at home in the early morning hours, he simply slipped off to his next adventure.
Georgie had a storied career—with a million stories—traversing the globe with Twisted Sister (and many others) for years before he did the same with us. He was also an accomplished guitarist and studio engineer, and a devout family man. But mostly, he was a warm, friendly character who left smiles and good vibes in his wake wherever he went: Truly beloved by so many.
And now, we will all get on a plane and head out to Oklahoma to play a show this weekend, because that’s what we do—and we know George wouldn’t hear of any other option. He was a “show must go on” kinda guy if ever there was one. And with that in mind, we will figure out how to “go on,” moving forward…
Blessings, my brother. “Who loves ya, Holmes?”
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5-23-22: Introducing: New Lita Ford Bassist…Marten Andersson!
Yes, friends, there has been a personnel change in the Lita Ford line-up: we are proud to announce the addition of the one-and-only, Marten Andersson on bass. Many of you may know Marten from his work with George Lynch, Lizzy Borden and, for the past six years or so, Steelheart. He is definitely a bad mo-fo, and we had a blast rehearsing with him last week as we prepared for a full summer (and beyond), rockin’ a ton of dates.
Meanwhile, our bro-for-life, Marty O’Brien, has found a new home with Daughtry and has already been touring with them for several weeks. We are sad to see him go after nearly 10 years on the gig, but hey—the Daughtry gig was a GREAT opportunity, and for that reason, we’re thrilled for him.
Plus, I just have to say, the Marty-to-Marten transition that has occurred over the past 6 weeks or so could not have been more amicable, harmonious, or professional—on all fronts. No drama, no weirdness, just the breathing in and breathing out of reinvention and evolution. It’s a beautiful thing… and, ultimately, it’s an inevitable thing. This is simply life doing what life does.
You can catch the “new guy” with Lita Ford, starting this weekend in OK:
5-28-22 - Miami, OK - Buffalo Run Casino & Resort (+ Dokken and George Lynch)
Click here for a continually updated tour itinerary:
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5-20-22: Here’s a practice room vid that’s part of a series I recorded late one night awhile back, focusing on the “timbale side” of kit. I was attempting to work on some improvisational skills within the confines of using just that part of the kit. Here’s yet another pass at it.
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5-17-22: Happy Birthday to this guy, Patrick Kennison, my partner in crime in Lita Ford. They even got me a couple vegan cakes so I could partake in the celebration today… from rehearsals in LA.
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5-16-22: Back in rehearsals with Lita Ford this week. Lotsa shows coming up!
Pic by Teddy Allison
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5-13-22: Best vegan pizza EVER, compliments of pizza master Mr. Benito, from Hotel Mediterraneo in Sorrento. The master has been crafting incredible pizzas at this hotel for 45 years and is well known throughout the region. This mixed-veggie masterpiece was a life-altering experience! Thank you, sir…
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5-11-22: Sorrento, Italy… early morning run. Breathtaking views and crisp, clean ocean air. Definitely worth getting up early to experience!
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5-8-22: Hangin’ in Capri for a couple days. “Breakfast of Champions” this morning: vegan pancakes with vegan Nutella… among a few other things. The food has been insane here in Italy this week, no surprise there…
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5-7-22: Early morning run in Florence today. Insane beauty abounds! Wound up doing a seven-miler because I kept getting lost.. which is not unusual for me in European cities. But Florence sure is a special place!
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5-6-22: Finally caught “The David” today here in Florence. Wow… absolutely stunning to see in person. This damn thing has quite an aura, for real!
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5-5-22: From this morning’s run in Tuscany (the Chianti region). Enjoying a little decompression time in Italy this week. Beauty everywhere you look… plus cool peeps and plenty of incredible vegan food. Florence tomorrow, then the Amalfi Coast. Life is good!
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5-3-22: Post-show farewells from the other night in Minnesota with Lita Ford. Killer crowd, super-pro staff. Always a great gig at the Medina Entertainment Center…
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4-29-22: Flashing it back to ’78. I’d already been sober a couple years by this point, but still: this was not a popular look to run around with back in Texas at that time! But hey… I knew I was going to play drums for a living, so what did I care what my beloved redneck brethren had to say?
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4-28-22: Soundcheck in a hockey rink with Lita Ford and co… from a couple weeks back. Hitting at the Medina Entertainment Center near Minneapolis this Saturday, with Jack Russell’s Great White also onboard. See ya there…
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4-27-22: New article this week: Ya gotta Get Those Greens if you wanna enjoy superior health. Here are a few ways to do it…
Pic: We always request lots of greens on the Lita Ford rider on the road. This is Jennifer Murphy— from Kewadin Casinos and Convention Center—kicking ass with a shit-ton of kale and spinach!
Get Those Greens
I’ve always maintained that healthy blood is the number one determinant for overall health and wellness, and super greens are at the top of the list for maintaining healthy blood—given their extreme micronutrient density and high fiber content, as well as the overall alkalizing and anti-inflammatory effects they produce. This should make super greens a top priority food for all humans. However, humans these days tend to not consume them so often. This is a trend I aspire to reverse when possible, given the unparalleled health benefits of greens.
“Smoothie" Greens vs. "Grocery Store" Greens
My big-picture distinction for super greens is twofold: what I call “smoothie” greens and “grocery store” greens. Both are great and, in a perfect world, we would get a hefty serving of each every day.
“Smoothie” greens are those superfoods that are either exclusively—or more commonly—available in powder form and, therefore, easy to add to a smoothie: spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass juice powder, moringa leaf, barley grass, etc. These are among the most nutritionally potent foods on the planet and, essentially, offer a more concentrated dosage of everything we love about leafy greens from the store. This is why I’ve always given them top priority in my regimen and have, to date, hardly missed a single day without my heavy-greens, superfood smoothie since 1993. (That’s literally over 10,000 smoothies, for those counting!)
"Grocery store” greens include kale, spinach, collards, romaine, arugula, and Swiss chard—all of which are available at most any market. These can take a bit more effort to include in a steady regimen, and yet, getting more of these leafy greens is the number one thing I recommend to those who are doing a daily high-greens smoothie, and who still want to take their routine to the next level. Again, the one-two punch of having this variety of greens as many days per week as possible is, in my opinion, the number one thing you can do to up your nutrition game (with the addition of eating beans daily. More on that later.).
Catch the full article here:
4-26-22: Yet another clip from the “private practice room” archives, and something never meant to see the light of day. Working on a little improv that features a lot of double-stroke combinations, utilizing the full range of sound sources in the Alphabet kit. In this context, I’m not trying to spell anything… just looking to create interesting rhythmic and melodic phrases with this unique combination of drums!
To see the full clip (#17) plus lots more of this kind of thing, scope out the Drum Vid Vault HERE.
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4-25-22: Getting hotter here in LA. Time for more afternoon runs as I gear-up for a summer full of shows. Knocked out a 6-miler today. Love this shit!!!
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4-22-22: Looking forward to hittin’ at the Medina Entertainment Center again next week with Lita Ford and co. (Jack Russell’s Great White also on the bill.)
Classic pic by Gary Brown
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4-21-22: And finally, here’s the Part Three excerpt from a show in Zhengzhou during my 2019 Solo Drumming Tour of China. It’s a standard end-of-solo shred... but we'll spare you the headbanging part at the very end for now! (We posted Parts One and Two over the last week or so.)
This date was in a smaller hall than normal, but the place was packed out… and the show turned out to be a sentimental favorite in a way, just based on the energy in the room, and the unwavering presence of the audience. What a vibe. So many great memories from that run…
For the detailed report of the entire tour (with a shit-ton of vids and pics) check out the blog here:
For some follow-up reflections on this tour, catch my Bobby Rock Newsletter Issue #22 here:
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4-20-22: It all started with this guy right here: my first drum instructor, Randy May. When I was first starting out back in Houston, my mom used to drive me across town to study with Randy, because he was the best around. In the years since, Randy has become an industry legend, known for a variety of patented innovations, including the May internal miking system, Pearl Vari-Pitch drums, and much more. (Scope it out at Randall May International.) Pic taken from a few NAMM shows ago…
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4-19-22: New blog this week: The “Fuck Yes!” Philosophy - Exploring the wisdom of the emphatic. whole-body YES!
Here’s a concept I’ve heard entrepreneur/author Derek Sivers talk about that we would all do well to embrace. When considering a new opportunity or activity that will be occupying future space on our already jammed-up calendars, our decision shouldn’t be a matter of simply yes or no. It should be a “Fuck Yes!” or “no." If it’s “no,” fair enough. You’ve saved yourself a lot of potential agony in the future regretting why you ever said yes! But if it’s yes, it should be an undeniable “Fuck Yes,” as opposed to the lukewarm “yes" that many of us talk ourselves into because something looks good on paper at first glance.
Here’s why:
It’s About Time: Time is among our most valuable commodities. Everything we say “yes" to invariably takes way more time than we anticipated. So if you’re gonna be adding something, make it a “Fuck Yes!” addition that will bring you joy… or say “No” so that you’ll have the extra space available later to say “Fuck Yes!” when the joyous option inevitably presents itself.
Experience vs. Execution: When we’re younger, “yes” is one of our most important words because getting better at things requires experience, and experience requires the investment of time… which means we have to say “yes” to almost anything that gives us experience. (Every pro musician will reflect fondly on this idea!) But as we get older, “no” becomes one of our most important words because, now that we’ve paid the piper for all of this valuable experience, we’re also dealing with a more finite amount of time, so we must be more selective about how we spend it… as in, what we say “yes" to. Therefore, I say, every “yes“ must be unequivocal.
Catch the full article here:
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4-17-22: “Gotta Let Go,” our show-opener the other night at the Iron Trail Motors Event Center with Lita Ford. Right-hand lead? Left-hand lead? I actually switch between the two throughout the set, without even really thinking about it. It’s a feel thing.
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4-16-22: Drummer’s perspective of soundcheck and showtime from yesterday’s hit at the Iron Trail Motors Event Center with Lita Ford. Kick-ass crowd!!!
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4-15-22: Late-night training in Minnesota. Hitting in town with Lita Ford:
April 15 - Virginia, MN - Iron Trail Motors Event Center
(+ Winger)
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4-14-22: Here’s the Part Two excerpt from a show in Zhengzhou during my 2019 Solo Drumming Tour of China. (We posted Part One on Monday.) This date was in a smaller hall than normal, but the place was packed out… and the show turned out to be a sentimental favorite in a way, just based on the energy in the room, and the unwavering presence of the audience. What a vibe. So many great memories from that run…
For the detailed report of the entire tour (with a shit-ton of vids and pics) check out the blog here:
For some follow-up reflections on this tour, catch my Bobby Rock Newsletter Issue #22 here:
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4-13-22: Ok... very fucking funny. Actually, it kind of is. (Thanks, JH... who took my play-on-a-name and ran with it.) Here’s a Way Back Wednesday shot where we have John Douglas's stunning cover painting (yes, it's a painting!) for my last book, "The Boy Is Gonna Rock," immortalized in a way that only over-the-top 80s shit can be. Looks like the soundtrack for the book—which we describe as “An Adventurous Instrumental Tribute to Songs that Inspired the Story”—will finally be out this summer.
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4-12-22: Quick Fuel + Move Iron = Life is Good!
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4-11-22: Here’s a Part One excerpt from a show in Zhengzhou during my 2019 Solo Drumming Tour of China. This one was in a smaller hall than normal, but the place was packed out… and the show turned out to be a sentimental favorite in a way, just based on the energy in the room, and the unwavering presence of the audience. What a vibe. So many great memories from that run…
For the detailed report of the entire tour (with a shit-ton of vids and pics) check out the blog here:
For some follow-up reflections on this tour, catch my Bobby Rock Newsletter Issue #22 here:
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4-7-22: A rare BR public transportation pic from this era!
The highest of highs… the lowest of lows. Such are the ebb and flow extremes of the music biz, and if you stay in the game long enough, you will likely experience plenty of both. On the ebb side, 2008 was shaping up to be another rough year. Work had been “intermittent" for awhile, resources were exhausted, and I really needed a gig—preferably in some kind of touring situation.
A certain lead singer was about to jump out on a solo club tour and was looking for a drummer. (Serendipity!) I had a couple of colleagues close to the situation who, fingers crossed, could possibly just slide me right into the gig. And for as modest of an opportunity as it probably was, at the time, it seemed like a sparkling oasis in the middle of the Sahara: a real game-changer, given all I had been going through. Plus, it felt like a meant-to-be win-win, as well, where maybe my skills, experience, and lineage could, in turn, bring real value to him and his band. The stars had apparently aligned.
And yet… it was not to be. We were able to get a couple messages to the guy on the eve of some kind of audition/rehearsal day, but we never heard back from him. Not sure why. (Actually, when things don’t work out, you seldom ever hear why!) BUT… at least I got the following poem out of the deal.
BTW, I rarely write poetry in the traditional, simplistic form of rhyming phrases. But that’s how this one came out (in about 10 minutes flat), and I thought it worked. I just recently rediscovered this piece in the “vault,” and I shared it with my Newsletter audience a few months back, Thought you guys might enjoy it, as well.
Catch the poem in the full original issue here:
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4-6-22: From the archives - One of life’s great joys… blasting a little double-bass warm-up through full PA at soundcheck, even if the execution gets a little iffy here and there.
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4-5-22: From this afternoon’s run: On days this perfect, it’s easy to forget about all the drawbacks to living in LA!
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4-4-22: Hittin’ with the Queen! Got a couple more shows coming up this month with Lita Ford in the great state of Minnesota:
April 15 - Virginia, MN - Iron Trail Motors Event Center
(+ Winger)
April 30 - Medina, MN - Medina Entertainment Center
(+ Jack Russell’s Great White)
Pic by Gary Brown for Shovelhead Studios
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4-2-22: From today’s issue of the Bobby Rock Newsletter:
Long Live the King!
Bernard “Buddy" Rich was a freak-of-nature talent who, even 35 years after his passing, is still most consistently recognized the world over as the G.O.A.T. His work as a sideman reads like a who’s who of jazz greats, and his legacy as a drumming bandleader remains unparalleled in volume and scope.
But he was also a huge personality, to say the least, and there are a million stories about him. Here’s one of my faves, because it speaks to the notion that, when the “Universe” really wants to get you a message, it will find a not-so-subtle way to do so! I will recount the story here, which I first read in Mel Tormé’s excellent bio on Buddy, “Traps the Drum Wonder:”
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Early in 1960, Buddy Rich was just 42, but had already been hospitalized twice for heart troubles. After that second visit, doctors warned him that he would most certainly suffer a heart attack if he continued to play drums. So, since he had shown some aptitude as a singer, he decided to shift gears in his career and have his agent start booking him as a lead vocalist. His first show was at a small jazz club in NYC.
Among the guests that night was legendary jazz vocalist Mel Tormé (a longtime friend of Buddy’s who also happened to be a decent drummer). Buddy’s set was, by Mel's account, “a pleasant evening of music,” suggesting that it was a good show, but not a remarkable one. It seemed that the disparity between Buddy’s abilities as a singer versus a drummer was, not surprisingly, quite evident
After the show, Mel and Buddy took a quiet, somewhat reflective walk around 52nd St., heading toward the mecca of jazz clubs for which it was famous. Finally, Rich broke the silence.
“Well, what did you think?” he asked.
“Let me put it this way,” Mel replied. “I’m not your favorite drummer, and you’re not my favorite singer.”
Buddy nodded.
Mel continued with a bit of cautiously optimistic encouragement, but it was clear that reality was starting to set in for the lifelong drummer.
“Nah,” Buddy interrupted. “I like to sing but singing isn’t my thing."
They eventually wandered onto “Swing Street,” which was nearly deserted by this time. But the two heard music coming from a small club, so they stepped in and grabbed a couple seats. Pianist Allen Eager’s band was mid-set, with none other than the legendary Max Roach on drums. Buddy slouched down in his chair, now feeling depressed. This singing thing wasn’t looking good. What would he do now?
Between songs, Eager spotted Buddy and, with a touch of sarcasm, announced to the few patrons there that “the world’s greatest drummer” was in their midst. He then began to goad Buddy into joining them onstage to sit in on a tune. Buddy initially dismissed the invite with a wave of his hand, but Eager was relentless with his invite. Even Max Roach began to beckon Buddy, offering up his drum sticks in a closed fist. (Ironically, these two had just recorded a drum battle-themed record together the year before entitled Rich vs Roach.)
Buddy wanted to play, but he turned to Mel for a yea or nay. Mel, although concerned for his friend's health, opted to encourage Buddy to “Show ‘em how it’s done.” That was all Buddy needed to hear. He hit the stage, grabbed the sticks from Max, then lowered himself behind the kit. And then Eager counted off a jazz standard (“I Found a New Baby”) at an impossibly fast tempo, apparently looking to fluster Buddy. Instead, Buddy—highly adept to sizzling fast tempos—was off to the races, and the band started cookin.’
Catch the full issue and the rest of this story (with pics) here:
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4-1-22: Flashin’ it back to ’79 with Tour de Force, my main band from high school. I was 16 here, and we had just finished a show, which were typically parties back then. That’s Watson Davis on the left (guitar) and Gary Pinkstaff (bass) in the center, my brothers for life. We never had a singer, so we started out doing instrumental versions of hard rock standards (“Tie Your Mother Down,” “Highway Star,” etc), but then transitioned into a Rush-inspired progressive rock band, doing some fairly sophisticated shit by my senior year. I really got lucky being able to play with musicians of this caliber as a youngster.
PS. The playing-shirtless thing was something that started early on, partially because Tommy Aldridge always went shirtless, but also out of practicality: I’ve always sweat my ass off behind the kit. (Dig those pants!)
PSS. Gary’s shirt says, “I’d Rather Eat Barbwire Than Listen To Disco.” This was a typical expression of disdain that we rockers felt back then for this unwelcome new form of music!
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3-30-22: Trying to throw it down a little during a solo spot in Sydney, on a scaled-down kit! This is from an Australia run with Lita Ford a few years back. Hope to return there soon. To see lots more of this kind of thing, scope out the Drum Vid Vault HERE.
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3-29-22: New Article - Bobby Rock Newsletter - One-Year Anniversary Reflections
Just last month, we celebrated our one-year anniversary of the Bobby Rock Newsletter, which has become a pretty intense labor of love each week!
To catch the full article with pics, click here:
To sign up for the Newsletter—and/or to scroll through a shit-ton of back-issues—go here:
Pic - This is one of the original BR Newsletters, circa 1996 - 8 1/2” x 11” and 8 pages long!
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3-25-22: From yesterday’s run in Vegas...
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3-23-22: Throwin’ it back to a super-rare Vinnie Vincent Invasion pic from the “All Systems Go” era. I believe we were hangin’ out poolside in Dana Strum’s backyard, hence his uncharacteristically casual attire!
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3-22-22: Vegas this week. Recording. More soon…
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3-20-22: Yet another old practice room vid, never meant for public consumption. Watch till the end for the self-loathing. Sometimes we are our own worst critic!
To see lots more of this kind of thing, scope out the Vault HERE.
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3-18-21: Flashing back to 2016 with Lita Ford and Lzzy Hale, throwing that shit down on “Close My Eyes Forever.” This was our last show on the Halestorm - Lita Ford - Dorothy tour. Lzzy would sometimes come out and join us on this one. Always a treat to hear her “pipes of steel!”
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3-16-22: RIP, Joey C. Jones
Saddened to hear about the passing of Joey C. Jones—front-man extraordinaire and one of the kinder souls you might encounter. I have maintained for decades that I owe a huge part of my career to this guy, and I said as much in my last book. Joey and I were basically just colleagues in the mid-80s, working the same club circuit, but in different bands. And yet, he went above and beyond to connect me with (Sweet Savage EP producer) Dana Strum… who agreed to let me drive out to LA from Houston and audition for Vinnie Vincent Invasion, due largely to Joey’s endorsement. This changed my life.
But, of course, helping me out is just a minor footnote in the large life this guy lived. I’ve always considered Joey part of that unique, post-David Lee Roth era of “bold, brash, and blond” front-men from the 80s. But unlike Vince, Bret, or a shortlist of others, Joey never got his due—at least not in the way I always felt he should’ve… although it wasn’t for a lack of talent, drive, or determination.
His work with Sweet Savage in the mid-80s was a study in front-man mastery. That band created a packed-house frenzy everywhere they played, and Joey was their irreverent ringleader, captivating every crowd before him with his signature swagger and searing pop-metal vocals. He simply owned the room. And while his banter and musicality had clearly been honed through the rigors of the road, his magnetic stage presence was not something that could be manufactured. What you saw was authentically who he was. Undoubtedly, he was placed on this earth to do what he did.
Although the Sweet Savage EP remains something of a cult classic among hard rock aficionados, Joey would prove to be quite prolific through the years, consistently reinventing himself—and his sound. Holding roots in Dallas with different incarnations of his vision, Joey’s body of live and recorded work includes (from the top of my head) memorable stints with Pal Joey, Shock Tu, Joey C. Jones and the Glory Hounds, and the Joey C. Jones Band. The guy never seemed to stop creating… or improving. Hell, he just sent me some new shit sometime in the past year or so and I thought it was some of his best yet.
I knew Joey had been struggling with cancer over these past few years, beating it once and putting up a hell of a fight this last time. But I wasn’t ready for that text from Strum yesterday, letting me know about Joey’s passing. I realize it’s probably a blessing that he transitioned to his next adventure, now liberated from the pain and struggle he had been enduring. But man… a strange depression has clouded over me in the past 24 hours. I’m sure many of you who knew him can relate.
Joey… peace to you, my brother, and well-done! You brought a lot of light to this place with your artistry, your spirit, and your kindness. We love you.
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3-14-22: Still enjoying these various weight-training environments that are at least partially outdoors (here at one of the LA-area gyms I go to, but also at my home gym). This is a trend I’ve seen a lot more of in the COVID era… let’s hope it sticks. I’ve always loved to lift outside.
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3-12-22: The Lita Ford summer itinerary is filling up nicely. Looking forward to more of these kinds of frolicking, post-soundcheck moments! See you guys out there…
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3-10-22: Throwing it back to 1998 and the release of this 2-CD set, “Snap, Crackle, and Pop… Live!” This record was the result of a 140-city tour I did with Neil Zaza and Bill “The Buddha” Dickens throughout most of ’97 and, more specifically, the last 20 shows, which we recorded via 24 channels of ADAT. The result was a spirited representation of what this trio was like live and, as always, a joy to be able to birth into the world.
But there was also a heavy toll to pay for an impossibly-ambitious and extensive creative endeavor that cost much, much more than it earned. (And I’m talking about both the tour and this record!)
My next book, “Will Drum For Food,” goes deep into the solo artist/drum clinician period of my career throughout the 90s, and this week’s issue of the Bobby Rock Newsletter offers a bit of existential insight into this idea of “The Struggle Behind the Scenes”… specifically as it relates to this record. Absolutely unforgettable times!
Subscribe for free right HERE:
Grab an autographed copy and/or digital download of the record HERE:
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3-9-22: Here’s a drum solo excerpt from a Lita Ford show with my own custom DW kit…. featuring a multi-voice, double-bass/double hi-hat pattern along with “the incredible tilting chain rack.” (Hat on the far right operated by my right foot, hat to the left operated by my left foot, with both feet multi-tasking the double-kick pedal.)
We often have to use gear that’s provided for us at each show, due to the logistics of our travel schedule. But when we’re near LA, or out on a bus tour run, it’s always great to play my own kit! PS. You'll notice that the rack is actually three separate pieces, which are connected together by two thick chains.
For more on this kit—or for more of this kind of thing in general—check out the Drum Vid Vault at right HERE.
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3-8-22: New Article - Your "Mega Memory."
Continuing on with our 21st-Century Mind theme—and this idea of upleveling our brainpower so that we can better assimilate the technological onslaught of which we are all now a part—here’s a cool “feat of memory” exercise that will help lead us down that path.
It comes from a home-study course I grabbed off of a TV infomercial back in 1990 called “Mega Memory” by Kevin Trudeau. Hokey as fuck, sure… BUT, the techniques work, so long as you put in the time and practice a bit. The one I wanted to pass along today is called “The Tree List,” and it’s based on a centuries-old memorization technique.
Imagine this scenario: You’re hanging with a friend. You hand her a notepad and a pen. You instruct her to jot down a list of 20 random things: household or grocery items, a city or country, a type of animal, a celebrity, an instrument or tool, etc. It is essentially a list of 20 nouns. You then ask her to number the list, 1 through 20, but not show it to you.
Now, with the list still out of your eyeshot—and obviously without you writing anything down—you ask her to slowly read the list back to you like so:
"Number one is Coke bottle,” (pause)
Once she makes it through all 20 items, the fun begins. First, you recite all 20 items back to her from memory, in order. And then, you invite her to say any number, 1 through 20, and you will tell her what list item was represented by that number. For an encore, you can even recite the list backwards… all with 95 to 100% accuracy (after just a bit of practice). Enjoy her bemusement… and get ready for the “how did you do that?” questions to commence.
No, this isn’t a magic trick. This is pure memory, "total recall,” if you will. And with a little effort, anyone can do it.
BUT, the catch is, the technique involved is basically the exact opposite of how we learned to memorize things. It’s way more effective and efficient because it uses both sides of your brain—a 21st Century Mind tactic, for sure—and, therefore, includes real visual association, as opposed to the typical attempt at forced linear memorization through repetition. (Good luck with that one, especially in this kind of abbreviated time-frame.)
This type of technique is commonly used among memory experts. It has to do with “pegging" the new list item to an existing item, on an existing list that’s already locked into your long-term memory. BUT, you must make the connection in a way that is unforgettably visual. It has to be fairly outrageous… outlandish, unusual, violent, even sexual. For real, anything goes. I know it might sound whacked, but you will find that you’re not likely to forget some of the outrageous shit your imagination can cook up as you quickly link the two words together.
Scope the full article here:
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The BR Newsletter gives you first-priority access to a variety of excellent content in every issue. From project announcements and updates, pics and stories from the road, and the latest from the Drum Vid Vault, to book excerpts, articles, blogs, and writing previews (many of which debut in the Newsletter), to health and fitness tips, nutritional info, mind/body wellness, and Dragon Dirt recipes and insights, to plenty of food for the mind, “Zen Man Style,” with musings, observations, book/podcast recommendations, and lots more!
Subscribe now:
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3-4-22: Here's another typical practice vid from the archives, rim clicks and all. These vids were obviously recorded for my own reference (so I could recall these various ideas later), but I've decided to share some of these here and in my Drum Vid Vault, just to offer a bit of insight into my process. I refer to this particular thing as "sweeps"... which are, in my mind, a drummer's version of those dense clusters of notes you hear on guitar or saxophone that sound cool when played really fast. To me, they have more of a wall-of-sound “color” kind of vibe, which is nice to have in the toolbox for special solo riff or drum fill occasions. Here's where it helps to have a shit-load of sound sources!
To see lots more of this kind of thing, scope out the Vault.
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3-3-22: Throwin’ it back to my first love: baseball… right before Black Sabbath, drums, and weed intervened!
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3-2-22: New Article - Rethinking Pushups
Traditional pushups remain one of the best anytime, anywhere, total conditioning exercises. They're great for developing your chest, shoulders, and triceps, and can even strengthen your back and core when performed with strict form. And while they don't tend to build muscle size and super strength in the same way certain free-weight movements will, they can be an excellent addition to your training regimen.
Consider pushups for any of the following circumstances:
1. You are looking for a convenient way to integrate some resistance exercise into your workout routine, but you're not into weight training or joining a gym.
2. Your normal facilities aren't available, but you still need to grab a workout, and pushups can be done anywhere... even in jail!
3. You find yourself training in a facility that only has lighter weights (like many hotel workout rooms, for example), so you do a set of pushups right before each set with the lighter weights and—presto—the lighter weights suddenly don't feel so light! (And you can actually get in a decent workout.)
4. You are looking for more intensity out of your current routine, so you add a few sets of pushups at the end of your usual workout for even greater levels of deep muscle burn and conditioning.
To scope the entire article—including pics and explanation on proper form, as well as a few other tips regarding the how and how often—click HERE:
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3-1-22: While soloing is often about notes, notes, and more notes, playing with a band is ultimately about space, space, and more space. A drummer’s “sound”—and, in fact, the overall feel of the music—is largely governed by the space you maintain between the notes. I always try to let that shit breathe when I'm looking to pound out a heavy groove. (“Relentless” with Lita Ford, from last weekend’s hit in Santa Fe.)
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2-27-22: Full house in Santa Fe last night with Lita Ford. Exceptional crowd! My soundcheck view + audience show view. Bottom pic from Tamtrum75 via Insta.
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2-26-22: Enjoying the “beautiful nothingness” on my run this afternoon in Santa Fe. Knocked out a six-miler. Hittin’ with Lita Ford at the Buffalo Thunder Casino (+ Great White). Let’s rock it!
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2-25-22: The Lita Ford machine rolls into Santa Fe, NM this weekend. Hittin’ with Great White at the Buffalo Thunder Casino. See ya there!
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2-24-22: A shot from last week’s Rock Legend’s Cruise with Lita Ford. Be sure and check out this week’s BR Newsletter for more pics and musings on the adventure.
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2-23-22: New Article: a few words on one of my most beloved and influential mentors; monk, poet, activist, and author, Thich Nhat Hanh, who passed away last month. (Link at bottom.) Here are a few excerpts:
One of my favorite things about Thay (his beloved nickname—pronounced “Tie”—which means teacher in Vietnamese) was his ability to convey and illuminate the deepest spiritual philosophies in ways that were simple, memorable, and practical. He essentially showed the world how to operationalize higher consciousness, and he did this, decade after decade, through his writing, speaking, and perhaps most importantly, the trademark calm and mindful presence he displayed in, quite literally, everything he did. If anyone ever walked the talk… it was this guy.
On a Personal Note: In 1993, I went through an unspeakable tragedy and was just trying to survive day-to-day life. It’s always tough to lose a loved one. But losing your beloved, so young (and with child), under extremely senseless and violent circumstances... well, that's a notch or two beyond just tough, no doubt.
This is where Thay's book, “Peace Is Every Step”—and the practice of mindfulness— comes in. And it became a huge breakthrough tool for me, right when I needed it most. Thay's teachings were all about mindfulness as a fundamental lifestyle philosophy, as opposed to just being a practice we drop in and out of.
In fact, this, along with many of Thay's other philosophies, became foundational to a personal ethos centered around the daily practice of detachment from outcome and material possessions, nonjudgment, and the expression of nonviolence and compassion to humans AND animals. (Always a moment-to-moment work in progress, of course!)
Thich Nhat Hanh was one extraordinary human who impacted millions of lives in profound ways. He will be missed by so many of us…
Scope the entire article (with pics and vid) HERE.
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2-22-22: From a solo drumming tour of China in 2019, at a smaller master class: Here’s a multi-foot pedal demonstration I did, where my feet are playing four different rhythms—on four different sound sources simultaneously—while my hands do some basic improvisation. Again, this class was mainly for more advanced players, and yet, I got the impression that they hadn’t seen much of this kind of thing before. Note: right foot plays two different rhythms on the bass drum and distortion hats; left foot plays two different rhythms on the main hi-hat and cowbell pedal (with the cowbell part doing a lightly randomized “&2&” / “&4&” rhythm; hands do some basic solo stuff around the kit.
To see the full clip with explanation (vid #8), or to scope more of this kind of thing, check out the Drum Vid Vault:
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2-21-22: “The best superfood powder in the world.” That was my lofty intention as I set out to create an all-in-one meal replacement powder for my own personal use back in 2015. How is this achieved?
1. By creating a balanced formula that has enough micronutrient and macronutrient firepower to be the most nutritionally dense meal imaginable;
2. By keeping the total number of ingredients at 20 or less so there are FULL SERVING SIZES of each one—as opposed to the “fairy dust” quantities you typically find in products with 40, 50, 60 (or more!) ingredients;
3. By harvesting top-quality, all-vegan ingredients from the world’s most discerning vendors.
Eventually, it hit me that this stuff should be available to one and all. So in January of 2021, we launched Dragon Dirt as “The Most Potent All-In-One Superfood Powder on the Planet,” and we mean it! We are completely transparent about the exact quantity of each of our 18 powerful ingredients and feel confident that you will not find another All-In-One out there that even comes close. Do the math:
Ingredients: (100% vegan: 95% organic) Yellow Pea Protein (6g), Brown Rice Protein (6g), Pumpkin Seed Protein (6g), Golden Flax Seed (5g), Spirulina (1.5g), Moringa Leaf (1.5g), Wheatgrass Juice Powder (1g), Beet Juice Powder (3g), Broccoli Sprouts (1.5g), Indian Gooseberry (1.5g), Camu Camu (1g), Maqui Berry (1g), Cherry Juice Powder (2g), Cordyceps (600mg), Turmeric (600mg), Maca (600mg), Ashwagandha, (600mg) Shiitake (600mg). No dairy, soy, or wheat.
Correction: Dragon Dirt is not a Meal Replacement…
To try a bag, to set up a monthly subscription (with Free Shipping), or to find out more about "the Dirt," click HERE. And to our loyal and beloved Dirt Drinkers out there, thanks so much for the continued support!
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2-18-22: Yesterday was a good day. My last day on the Rock Legend’s Cruise had plenty of training throughout and a kick-ass evening show. Here are my numbers from the iWatch tracker. And while I did do a lengthy run in the AM and traversed the ship quite a bit throughout the day (generally using the stairs), a good chunk of my total “walk/running” miles were recorded during the show! The app still thinks I’m running when I'm drumming. Crazy shit!
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2-17-22: Working on a little hand-eye coordination during the drum solo at the Royal Theater the other night… minus the eyes! Just having a little fun. With Lita Ford on the Rock Legends Cruise…
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2-16-22: Drummer’s perspective from today’s hit on the deck at the Rock Legend’s Cruise with Lita Ford.
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2-15-22: Last night’s run on the boat. From the Rock Legends Cruise. 30 laps = 5 miles. Livin’ it…
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2-14-22: All aboard, friends! Let’s get this party started with a nice workout in this kick-ass gym! Hittin’ with Lita Ford on the Rock Legends Cruise this week…
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2-12-22: In the spirit of trying to archive more of my “secret” videos that I have amassed in embarrassing quantities through the years, here’s a solo excerpt from a rowdy Lita Ford show, somewhere in Norway. European audiences are consistently great to play for… a perfect combo of exuberant and appreciative. That summer 2013 run through Norway and Sweden was no exception. Also, as per usual, Euro runs usually cover the gamut from huge festivals to mid-sized clubs. Both are cool in their own way, but this clip was from the latter. Enjoy...
To see the full clip (vid #6), or to scope more of this kind of thing, check out the Vault.
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2-11-22: New Article: The Cardio Factor
With so much of our effort focused on lifting weights for maximum muscular conditioning, we have to remember the importance of cardiovascular training, as well. Cardio work is not only essential for our overall state of health and wellness, but also for “going the distance” in virtually any kind of arduous performing or training environment, including weightlifting.
Cardio training involves those aerobic activities that condition the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. These include running, cycling, swimming, kickboxing, brisk walking, and pretty much any other activity that jacks up your heart rate, including the use of classic cardio equipment like the treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, and Stairmaster. You can either engage a single, preferred cardio exercise for every workout or switch it up each time. The only real guidelines are that you do some cardio work at least three times a week, for a minimum 30 minutes per session, and that your heart rate stays consistently elevated throughout the workout.
Click HERE to scope the rest of the article.
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2-10-22: Throwin’ it back to 2020 and the last cruise I did with Lita Ford and co. Yes, I really am wearing that apparatus of feathers (via a harness), but no, I didn’t wind up doing the show with it (for, hopefully, obvious reasons!). Check out this week’s issue of the Bobby Rock Newsletter for more details on our fateful trip (which bumped right up against the lockdown), and plenty more. Subscribe HERE.
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2-9-22: Getting ready to set sail with Lita Ford and co next Monday for this kick-ass cruise. We are stoked!
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2-7-22: This practice room vid is part of a series I recorded late one night focusing on the “timbale side” of kit. Was trying to work on some improvisational skills within the confines of using just that part of the kit. Still not crazy about posting vids with all the mistakes, but such is the spirit of this new Drum Vid Vault endeavor I’ve been building at the site. Post it anyway!
To see the full solo, or to scope more of this kind of thing, check out the Vault.
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2-6-22: New Article: The Woes of Our 20th-Century Brains!
Pic by Mariana Tosca
As I wake up every day and contemplate how much of my true potential as a human remains untapped, I’ve had a reoccurring thought for awhile now: we have all brought our 20th century brains into the 21st century. Here’s what I mean:
We have dragged into the present era, a brain that has been developed and conditioned to learn, read, study, discern, memorize, and archive a somewhat finite amount of readily accessible “content"—as well as navigate a finite amount of outside stimuli and distraction—into an age of an incomprehensible degree of technology and access, where content, outside stimuli, and distraction are now infinite.
Yes, that’s one long-ass sentence! But think about it. The one-dimensional, linear way of thinking and learning that most of us grew up on in a 20th century classroom just ain’t gonna cut it these days if we truly wish to maximize the opportunities for expanded growth at hand. Simply put, we have immediate access to virtually anything and everything we need, related to any form of expansion and evolution, both personally and professionally… and we are carrying around the “keys to the castle” in our back pockets (hello smartphone). Such was not remotely the case in the 70s, 80s, or even the 90s.
So, I’ve been spending some extra time lately revisiting a lot of old books, courses, and personal writings that encourage a more creative, expansive way of thinking and learning. It’s real work... kind of like going to the gym for your brain. But again, it’s essential if we want to stay afloat in the tsunami of content and stimuli that washes over us daily.
Catch the full article HERE.
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2-5-22: Killer Content Every Week!
Just celebrated our One-Year Anniversary of doing this Newsletter. Subscribe here:
The BR Newsletter gives you first-priority access to a variety of killer content in every issue. From project announcements and updates, pics and stories from the road, and the latest from the Drum Vid Vault, to book excerpts, articles, blogs, and writing previews (many of which debut in the Newsletter), to health and fitness tips, nutritional info, mind/body wellness, and Dragon Dirt recipes and insights, to plenty of food for the mind, “Zen Man Style,” with musings, observations, book/podcast recommendations, and lots more!
Subscribe for free right here:
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2-3-22: Throwin’ it back to the “Bronze Age.” I recently ran across this photo, circa 1990. I was a Sonor artist at the time, and they had just sent me one of their coveted Signature Series, 8” x 14” solid bronze snares—an instrument of unparalleled beauty and craftsmanship. It weighed in at an ungodly 32 pounds and, as you might imagine, sounded like a fucking cannon going off.
It was my go-to snare for years, during the entire Nelson era and throughout all of those early clinic tours. And after a brief hiatus during the Peavey Radial Bridge hey-day—where I was using an equally-killer-but-in-different-ways custom-made 7” x 13” Bobby Rock model snare—this Sonor snare has been a part of the arsenal again since 2000. So I have three decades and counting with this instrument… but this was day one.
Today, the “Bronze Bitch” (as my tech Cubby and I have always referred to it) is one of two primary snares in my current “Alpha Kit,” along with that original BR snare: truly, the best of both worlds.
Scope the BLOG POST for more pics, including one of the original Sonor ads.
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2-1-22: Here's yet another practice room vid that was never intended for public consumption. Working on some longer form phrasing ideas, creating different rhythmic/melodic combinations around the alphabet side of the kit. In these instances, I'm not thinking about spelling... only thinking about the unique collection of sound sources in front of me! Check out the Drum Vid Vault for more of this kind of thing:
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1-31-22: Friends, this week will mark our one-year anniversary of doing the Bobby Rock Newsletter. (Sign-up link at the bottom.) It’s been a labor of love, for sure, but an exhilarating challenge coming up with (hopefully) meaningful shit to include every week. We wind up covering quite a wide gamut of material, but from time to time, I’ll suggest a thought-provoking journal exercise, just to create a bit of introspection. (I do this for my own benefit, as much as my reader’s!) Here’s one such example from Issue #9 last April:
Scope it Here: Your Future Self: A Journaling Exercise
Be sure and subscribe to the Bobby Rock Newsletter to get tons of cool info, articles, video links, book excerpts, and more… before everyone else:
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1-30-22: Dragon Dirt Gallery of Greats!
I'll tell ya, we take a lot of pride in delivering what we feel is the world's best superfood powder: it's certainly the most potent. Part of our "secret" is featuring full serving sizes of each of our pristine ingredients, and this makes each one worthy of its own featured pic and description. That’s why we’ve been developing a cool image/info gallery on each of the Dirt's 18 mighty ingredients. Scope our progress HERE.
To try a bag, to set up a monthly subscription (with Free Shipping), or to find out more about the Dirt, click HERE.
And to our loyal and beloved Dirt Drinkers out there, thanks so much for the continued support!
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1-28-22: Here’s another excerpt from the drum solo last Friday at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, IA, with Lita Ford. Check out the Drum Vid Vault for more of this kind of thing.
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The downside of all my time volunteering there was seeing so many examples of the worst of humanity being inflicted upon animals. Tough to take. But the upside was seeing the animal’s resilience, their willingness to forgive, and their ultimate recovery and liberation as they lived out the remainder of their days in an animal paradise.
Of course, sometimes they came to us in such bad shape that their days were numbered. But that was the gig. Every rescuer knows about this. But hey… if they can go out in a safe, calm environment where they have a chance to live a bit of the good life before they bail… we have to be grateful to have been a part of that. And we have to be grateful that we got to know them before they moved on.
RIP Colin - 4-9-06 to 5-09-06
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1-26-22: This week’s featured article: Plan on a Daily Workout... Even if it Doesn't Always Work Out!
Some days, life happens and we don’t get around to our workout. This is a reality. So check out this article for a different spin on more consistent training.
And be sure and subscribe to the Bobby Rock Newsletter to get tons of cool info, articles, video links, book excerpts, and more… before everyone else.
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1-23-22: Opening statements from the drum solo the other night at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, IA, with Lita Ford.
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1-22-22: Friends, this one hurts. A revered monk, poet, activist, and author of over 100 books—a number of which I’ve read—this gentle powerhouse of a man was a once-in-a-generation exemplar of love, peace, mindfulness, and higher consciousness for many decades. His work had an immeasurable impact on how I see the world, and how I live my life. We will miss you, Master T…
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1-21-22: Back at the infamous Surf Ballroom this eve with Lita Ford (+ Jack Russell’s Great White). We LOVE this room and are looking to crush that shit tonight! Here’s a soundcheck perspective for ya….
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1-20-21:Throwin’ it back a few years to a post-show memory with Lita Ford, Patrick Kennison, and Marty O’Brien (who was capturing the moment). We had to go from a smokin’ hot stage directly into 25 degree Ohio snow flurries to access our dressing room a short stroll away.
Today, we are en route to Clear Lake, IA where it is over 25 degrees colder! We California folks are not used to this shit! But hey… it’s a rock show at the Surf Ballroom, so we don’t give a fuck. See you guys there…
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1-19-22: End of show salutations at the RokIsland Fest in Key West the other night with Lita Ford. Great crowd! Next stop:
Jan 21, 2022 - Clear Lake, IA
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1-17-21: Behind the scenes at soundcheck today in Key West with Lita Ford. We have our “drummer’s perspective” shot, and also a not-so-subtle reminder from the venue NOT to bathe in the men’s room sink. Clearly, they know us old road dogs all too well!
Jan 17, 2021 - Key West, FL - RokIsland Festival
Coffee Butler Amphitheater
(with Jack Russell’s Great White, Jackyl, Vixen, and Bang Tango)
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1-16-22: Jammin' with Lita Ford at the RokIsland Festival in Key West tomorrow - 1-17-22 - with Jack Russell’s Great White, Jackyl, Vixen, and Bang Tango.
(pic by Gary Brown)
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1-14-22: Here's a little "Poetry in Motion” - Alphabet Drumming™ a famous quote from 13th-century Sufi poet and philosopher Rumi: one of my favorite minds. This simple two-bar phrase is part of a larger solo piece I’ve been working on, but I think it’s fascinating how Rumi's words transpose into drumming that sounds so… well… poetic! Scope it.
Alphabet Drumming™ or "dryping" (drumming + typing) is an experimental (and challenging!) approach to playing that I created to expand my drumming vocabulary (no pun intended). For more of this kind of thing, check out the Drum Vid Vault HERE.
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1-13-22: Here’s a throwback pic from my last book, The Boy Is Gonna Rock. This is me and my grandfather headed out for a bite to eat in Houston, while I was on break from VVI after the Iron Maiden tour (circa ’87), getting ready to start on record #2.
As discussed in the book, I had just purchased this ’76 Vette and had it custom-painted black with a hot-pink pinstripe (seemed like the thing to do at the time!). However, there is a fairly agonizing backstory to all that went down with actually getting the damn thing painted! We ended up editing that part out of the final draft of the book (in the interest of moving the story along). However, it is pretty amusing, so I will be featuring the entire unedited story in next week’s BR Newsletter. Sign up HERE, if interested.
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1-12-22: Let’s Get Triggered!
Environmental Triggers: Key items and/or specific decor choices we include in our living/work space that inspire creativity, nostalgia, sentiment, or inspiration.
I have a bunch of Environmental Triggers (ETs) around my crib and practice room: candles, records, shelves of books, stone and ceramic buddhas, art, religious tapestries, and a vintage drum. But perhaps the most unusual one is what I wanted to mention here: blacklight posters.
Yes, kids, I have inextricably linked the electric glow of old-school blacklight posters to my earliest days of drumming and music. I was one of those kids who had a drum set near my bed, blacklight posters all over my walls, and Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, and Deep Purple records constantly spinning on the turntable. Of course, there would be marijuana and bourbon involved around this time, as well, but still: the joy of listening to “Paranoid,” “School's Out,” or “Made in Japan” while surrounded by that wall-to-wall explosion of color, was all somehow foundational to my experience.
And so, about 12 years ago, during a period of relative disillusionment, I ran across a photo on eBay of one of the exact posters I had on my wall as a kid, and it all came hurtling back to me: the roots; the beginnings; the impetus… as initially experienced through a filter of innocence and pure desire—a lethal combination, to be sure. I kept staring at the poster. It stirred something in me… a primal exhilaration, I suppose. I liked the feeling. And then I thought, “Why stare at a poster on a screen? Why not just buy the motherfucker?” So I did.
To read the rest of the blog and see pics of some of my fave posters, click HERE:
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1-10-22: Resistance. Every day. Amen.
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12-9-22: More priceless motivation from my iWatch… with whom I’m apparently on a more casual, first-name basis. Catch the blog post HERE, in case you missed it.
And be sure and subscribe to the Bobby Rock Newsletter in the upper right-hand corner of any page on the site to get tons of cool info, articles, video links, book excerpts, and more… before everyone else.
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1-8-22: Looking at more of this in 2022! Back at it next week with Lita Ford and co:
1-15-22 - Sante Fe, NM
Buffalo Thunder Casino
(with Great White)
1-17-22 - Key West, FL - Rock Island Festival
Coffee Butler Amphitheater
(with Jack Russell’s Great White, Jackyl, Vixen, Bang Tango)
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1-6-22: From the lock-down… a little pre-production vid—with experimental effects—from an upcoming project with filmmaker, Egon Blix. Click HERE for more of this kind of thing in the Drum Vid Vault.
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12-5-22: This week’s article is on what I call “Micro-Workouts.” Click HERE for the original post, and be sure and subscribe to the Bobby Rock Newsletter in the upper right-hand corner of the page to get tons of cool info, articles, video links, book excerpts, and more… before everyone else.
Micro-Workouts for Improved Fitness and Conditioning
A Micro-Workout is only 5 to 15 minutes and typically very easy. It’s actually meant to be a once-or-twice daily supplement to your regular regimen, whatever that may be. Here’s the rundown:
Most of us are leading dangerously sedentary lives… especially since Covid, but mainly over the digital tech explosion of the last 10 to 15 years. We are spending a lot of time idle each day, looking at our devices. So even if you were to work out for an hour a day—which is excellent—what happens for the other 23? We are sitting around, and that's a lot of "downtime." Not so excellent.
Our bodies are meant to be active, every day, pretty much throughout the day. Our muscles (and bones!) need to stay limber and supple through movement. When we are inactive, especially while sitting, muscles begin to tighten up, and this sets off a domino effect of connecting muscle groups contracting, which can eventually lead to all kinds of issues, from soreness in the back or neck (from tight muscles pulling bones out of alignment) to “mystery” injuries that can occur from, for example, picking up a bag of groceries at just the right angle that something tweaks. And this is to say nothing about other systems in the body (like respiratory and digestive) that rely on some form of sustained movement to help things function optimally.
Click HERE for the full article.
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To try a bag, set up a monthly subscription (with Free Shipping), or to find out more about the Dirt, click HERE:
Much love and appreciation to all of our devoted Dirt Drinkers for a hell of a first year! Love you guys.
More info: Dragon Dirt is an insanely-potent blend of 18 of the world’s most powerful superfoods that I created exclusively for my own personal use. Why? Because I could not find a single all-in-one meal replacement powder in the marketplace that met my criteria.
The “Dirt” contains a full meal’s worth of macronutrients (plant-based protein, high-fiber carbs, and healthy fats) and basically a full day's worth of micronutrients—from various super greens and veggies, high-antioxidant fruits, and mushroom and herb adaptogens—for maximum energy, immunity, mind/body wellness, and sports performance.
It’s also one of the few complete meal products in the world that features FULL SERVING SIZES of each of its 18 ingredients. And it’s all vegan with no added sugar, flavorings, or emulsifiers—just the 18 ingredients and nothing else. One serving of the Dirt added to a simple fruit smoothie gives you what we believe to be the most nutrient-dense meal on earth. Check it HERE:
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1-1-22: “The future’s so bright… I gotta wear shades.”
Happy New Year, everybody!
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12-29-21: A little fun and games during the drum solo at a Lita Ford show last July, at The Marks and Harrison Pavilion in Ashland, VA. I miss the heat! Check out the Drum Vid Vault for more of this kind of thing:
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12-28-21: Had a great interview with Troy and Heather of the Mental Management Systems podcast. These two are experts on all things related to the mental aspect of peak performance, so we went deep into the mental game of drumming, practicing, dealing with the rigors of the road, and much more. Cool interview! I’ve been a fan of their father, the legendary Lanny Bassham, for years. He’s an Olympic gold medalist (as a rifle shooter) and the author of the classic, "With Winning in Mind.” He’s also a renowned expert in the field of peak performance, so it’s great to see the family tradition moving forward! Special thanks to Troy and Heather’s brother, Brian Bassham, for putting this thing together. Scope it here:
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12-27-21: Just a quick holiday greeting from the “Enchanted Forest” here in LA. Hope everyone had a safe and peaceful weekend. This week’s blog is from the Thanksgiving edition of my weekly Newsletter last month… because after all… EVERY day is a blessing, my bitches! Scope the link if you feel compelled:
And be sure and subscribe to the Bobby Rock Newsletter, in the upper right-hand corner of any page at, to get tons of cool info, articles, video links, book excerpts, and more… before everyone else.
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12-21-21: Here’s an Alphabet Drumming™ groove that utilizes two relevant words: “Sabbath” and “Supernaut.” It’s for an instrumental version of my favorite Black Sabbath song, which is set to appear on my next solo record. Click HERE for a more detailed demonstration, some notation, and further explorations.
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12-20-21: Long-time friends Mariana Tosca and Chris Johnson (creative juggernauts, fellow vegans, and exemplary humans) dropped in on me last week with an extraordinary Christmas gift of their own creation: a miniature, exacting replication of four of my books, stacked together in a holiday theme. Scope today’s blog for more pics and the backstory HERE:
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12-19-21: Yesterday marked five years since the passing of my beloved best bud, Barry. This kind of loss—I’ve come to realize—is not something you ever really get over. But I wrote an extensive blog post about Barry around the time of his transition, and did my best to detail his one-in-a-million ways, his extraordinary life and times and, of course, the unbearable circumstances around his departure. It remains difficult for me to read, and especially to look at all the pics and vids. Still—I’m happy that this detailed account of his journey exists… for days like this. I know many of you have probably already seen the post, but just wanted to share it again:
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12-18-21: Soundcheck in Yuma on a chilly afternoon, just before the boss joined in. Last show of the year tonight…
Lita Ford
12-18-21 - Yuma, AZ
Paradise Casino
(with Vixen and Hells Belles)
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12-17-21: My iWatch thinks my name is “Motherfucker” and other startling observations. Catch the new blog post HERE.
And be sure and subscribe to the Bobby Rock Newsletter in the upper right-hand corner of any page on the site to get tons of cool info, articles, video links, book excerpts, and more… before everyone else. Thanks much!
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12-16-21: Throwin’ it back to co-ed facilities at the Ralston arena in Omaha from a few years back—with Lita Ford and Patrick Kennison. (Marty O’Brien captured the magic moment.) The Lita Ford train rolls into Arizona this weekend for the final show of the year.
12-18-21 - Yuma, AZ
Paradise Casino
(with Vixen and Hells Belles)
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12-14-21: Here's a little practice room snippet from a few years back, working on some odd-note phrasings. The time remains in “4,” but I'm experimenting mainly with some 5-note groupings to create some tension. Improvised one that I turned into a reoccurring motif, of sorts. Just jammin’ around... but that's how we improve, right? (And yes, there is often some kind of disgusted-with-self outburst at the end of many of these kinds of vids. (“…the fuck!” I say.)
Subscribe to the Bobby Rock Newsletter and see more vids, articles, and news before everyone else:
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12-13-21: Tis the season… for new swag. Ran an easy-paced 5K on Saturday and got this shirt to show for it. One of my fave times of year, for sure. Happy Holidays, everyone…
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12-11-21: This is another practice room video of initially working out this Alphabet Drumming™ groove for the chorus of Twisted's "I Wanna Rock." I’m looking to include a funky instrumental interlude of this tune on my upcoming "The Boy Is Gonna Rock" soundtrack. Once again, this vid was never intended for public consumption... just a pre-production vid for my own reference (hence the typical self-scolding at the tail end!).
You’ll also notice that, at times, I will hit other lettered drums here or there—typically at the end of a phrase—to fill in a groove. But I’m viewing them more as a supporting sound source, as opposed to a letter integral to the spelling of something. After all, the Alphabet Drumming™ concept is just a means to a greater end: different-sounding shit!
PS. And yes, the kick drums were always meant to be used for fill-in notes (or ostinatos in a solo situation), since they don’t represent any letters. This was by design…
Check out the Drum Vid Vault for more of this kind of thing...
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12-10-21: Give the gift of health to yourself or a loved one this year. We are shipping daily!
Dragon Dirt is an insanely-potent blend of 18 of the world’s most powerful superfoods that I created exclusively for my own personal use. Why? Because I could not find a single all-in-one meal replacement powder in the marketplace that met my criteria.
The “Dirt” contains a full meal’s worth of macronutrients (plant-based protein, high-fiber carbs, and healthy fats) and essentially a full day's worth of micronutrients—from various super greens and veggies, high-antioxidant fruits, and mushroom and herb adaptogens—for maximum energy, immunity, mind/body wellness, and sports performance.
It’s also one of the few (if not the only) complete meal products in the world that features FULL SERVING SIZES of each of its 18 ingredients… as opposed to the “fairy dust” amounts you’ll find in products that feature 50, 60, 70 or more ingredients. And it’s all vegan with no added sugar, flavorings, or emulsifiers—just the 18 superfoods and nothing else.
Just add 2 scoops of Dragon Dirt to a blender concoction (like a simple fruit smoothie) and that shake becomes the healthiest, most nutrient-dense meal of the day—period. From there, you are on your way to a significant, yet sustainable, lifestyle shift, one meal at a time.
To try a bag, to set up a monthly subscription (with Free Shipping), or to find out more about the Dirt, click here:
Happy Holidays!
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12-9-21: Always thought this pic was kinda funny: a #TBT special of me, Tommy Lee, and my hair… Good Lord! Tommy and I were judges at one of the early Guitar Center Drum-Offs.
Photo by Lissa Wales (RIP)
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12-7-21: From the other side of the Alphabet kit, here's a quick slice of multi-voice improvisation where we keep a very basic kick/snare groove chugging along, while we integrate multi hats and cowbells. Click here for more in the Drum Vid Vault. And be sure and sign up for my Weekly Newsletter for priority access to all my new postings. Thanks much!

12-6-21 - New blogpost: The Silence is Deafening
Whenever I repeat the age-old mantra, “There is nothing more important than your health,” I’m usually referring to the importance of a sound diet and exercise program. But actually, I believe the mind is our most important asset because, among many other things, it is the engine that keeps you on track with your diet and exercise! Let the mind soften—to constantly give in to distraction or the lure of immediate gratification—and watch body and spirit follow suit as we disintegrate into a shadow of our potential selves. It’s a daily struggle, and I’m constantly on the lookout for various lifestyle practices and distinctions that might keep the mind vital and sharp.
Which leads me to today’s stream-of-consciousness rant…
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Just last spring I took a weekend sabbatical near Santa Ynez, CA. I stayed at an Airbnb farmhouse that sat remotely atop a grassy hill, framed in gravelly stone walkways and jaggedy cactus. The nearest neighbor was down the hill about five football fields away, so there were really no humans to be seen unless you went into town. And yet, the beautiful population of inhabitants around this place was a treat to observe all weekend, including: rabbits and lizards, frolicking about the backyard all day; blue jays and other birds dropping by to hang in commune; a big-ass tarantula passing through in the grass near the lap pool; and a slithering king snake, making his way across the back patio. Majestic, one and all.
And to simply say it was quiet around there would not do it justice. Outdoors, you could hear a bit of wind rustling through the endless rows of rosemary, and a sparse chorus of bird and insect calls… but not much else. Indoors, it was eerily devoid of any kind of sound, except for the occasional low drone cycling of a refrigerator hum. You could only hear the ringing in your ears. And that’s when it hit me... not only how deafeningly quiet it was there, but how noisy it tends to be in everyday life.
It was then I began to ponder how all of that daily, minute-to-minute “data”—that raw information of sound—might encumber our minds and affect our ability to optimally contemplate, reason, and create. On the one hand, I’m sure us city-dwellers have normalized a mental filtering process and are probably no longer even aware of when the fridge cycles or a car drives by. We are too busy noticing the helicopters, racing engines, and the occasional gunshot. (Especially in LA!) But on the other hand, I think it’s worth evaluating how our mind/body wellness might be compromised without regular reprieves into those stretches of silent space.
All I can tell you is, this bombardment of silence over an entire weekend was quantifiable. I felt like I was thinking more expansively about things. And I hadn’t crashed so deeply—and for so long at one time—in quite awhile. It seemed as though my mind was better prepared to fall out, let go, and slide into those enviably deep delta waves of restful sleep.
Which brings us to this week’s contemplative question: How often are you in a space so utterly quiet that you can only hear your ears ring?
To scope the rest of the article, and see a running vid from that weekend, go HERE.
Subscribe to the Bobby Rock Newsletter and get tons of cool info and articles like this before everyone else:
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12-5-21: A quick snippet from the practice room from a couple years back (on old-ass heads!). These kinds of vids were never meant to see the light of day... just logging riffs and exercises for my own personal archives. But some of these sound pretty cool, I think. Love all of those voices on the big kit. See more at my ever-expanding new website project, Drum Vid Vault.
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12-4-21 - This week marks ONE YEAR since our official pre-launch of Dragon Dirt, my custom blend all-in-one superfood powder. Here’a quick video of thanks to all of our loyal Dirt-Drinkers out there, with a bit of reflection on the extraordinary journey thus far. To try a bag, set up a monthly subscription (with Free Shipping), or to find out more about the Dirt, click HERE.
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12-2-21 -Throwin’ it back to the early Sonor days, circa 1990. This was right around the time I started doing all of those “on-the-ground” clinic tours around North America. My next book, a memoir titled “Will Drum For Food,” covers this period extensively, and my latest Newsletter features a detailed excerpt covering all of the initial logistics I worked out with Sabian to launch that very first tour. Fun stuff! Sign up for the weekly Newsletter here
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11-30-21 -Alphabet Drumming™ has been my magnificent obsession for a number of years now. It’s my way of combining drumming and writing, where I spell out various words or phrases in rhythm, creating a unique language of sounds. Here’s a super simple example: Spelling out the word “DRUMMING” in a groove.
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11-29-21: If These Drums Could Talk
There’s no question: I love the virginal sheen and lacquered aroma of brand new drums. But older drums tend to emit more character... to carry human history in their wood... and to absorb and reflect all of the spiritual and kinetic energy inflicted upon them via their guardian's innumerable hours of sweat and toil. It’s impossible to extract that kind of mojo out of fresh new drums from the factory (although beating character into them can certainly be a joyous process over time!).
Meet the Alpha Kit. This beautiful monstrosity has been my primary practice room/solo project drum set for more years than I can recall. It’s essentially a hybrid merging of instruments unique to my personal journey, so the collective “vibration" of this kit is palpable. Sitting in the middle of all those drums and cymbals is like being suspended in a vortex of cultural totems and sacred nostalgia. You can feel where these drums and cymbals have traversed, and you can’t help but wonder: If these drums could talk, what stories would they tell?
A big chunk of the kit is my original Radial Bridge drum set that Steven Volpp and the Peavey gang built for me back in ’99. I started with those drums, then once I began to develop the alphabet drumming concept—where I play certain words and phrases in rhythm—the set began to expand into its present 360 degree design. I can face forward or backwards as it's essentially two giant kits melded together.
Because I’m more of an accumulator than a collector, I had amassed a wide variety of drums and cymbals in storage near my practice room. And as my vision for this kit expanded through the years, each new piece was brought in as somewhat of a functional placeholder for what would surely, one day, be some mammoth new custom-built drum kit, sparkly and pristine, with its perfect maple shells and glistening brass and chrome. After all, this was just the 1.0 Frankenstein version of the Alpha Kit, right?
But then, somewhere along the way, after countless hours of playing this kit and listening to its glorious tones reverberate around the woodshed, something unexpected happened: the “Frankenstein" nature of the kit became its own unique thing—its own twisted choir of percussion voices—and it simply sounded like no other set of drums I’ve ever heard. In other words, the unorthodox configurations and unconventional drum and cymbal groupings created their own original, collective sound. And I knew I would have to record this exact set-up, just as it is.
So now, I’m in the middle of cracking the code on how/where/when to finally finish drum tracks for a long-awaited new solo record: a “soundtrack" for my last book, The Boy Is Gonna Rock. I’m reluctant to throw any more projected release dates around because I’m the ultimate “boy who cried wolf” with missing deadlines. BUT—know that this new record, which has already been underway with Brett Garsed on guitar and Carl “The Fox” Carter on bass, is top of mind, every day.
In the meantime, visit the blog page for a one-minute walk-around video tour of the Alpha Kit… all 40 drums, 30 cymbals, and 10 foot pedals of it HERE
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11-24-21: On a roll, friends! Celebrating 500 consecutive days of meditation today. Next stop: 730 days, AKA 2 years. Does never missing really matter? Probably not. But I find that structure in a meditation practice can be just as beneficial as structure in any other endeavor, like practicing, running, hitting the weights, or writing. As for the upside of this kind of consistency, I would simply echo what I wrote at the one-year mark in July. Scope my article, This is Your Brain On Meditation, here
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11-19-21:My primary solo kit has been quite a work in progress through the years. Been starting to archive a bunch of practice room footage to post more often… along with new stuff. Here’s some ancient shit right here. The kit was still “under development” at the time with kind of a random collection of drums… but that’s eventually what would give it its unique sound.

10-31-21:Drummer’s perspective soundcheck and end-of-show shots from the Lita Ford show last night at the Genesee Theatre near Chicago. Killer venue, super pro staff, great crowd!!!

10-24-21: This week’s blog: Ten Steps to More Training Intensity
There are two primary ways to ensure that you will continue to make progress at the gym (or wherever you prefer to lift): 1) Vary your routine from time to time so your body won’t develop an immunity to your training, and: 2) Utilize some time-tested intensity techniques regularly to fully engage hypertrophy, the body’s natural mechanism for producing stronger, better-conditioned muscles through resistance training. The intensity techniques we’ll get into today will help you on both counts.
Subscribe to the Bobby Rock Newsletter and get tons of cool info and articles like this before everyone else:

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10-2-21: This week’s blog features another excerpt from my upcoming book, which is a follow-up to “The Boy Is Gonna Rock.”
Will Drum For Food:
Surviving the Nineties with Clubs, Campgrounds, Clinics, and Credit Cards
This memoir focuses on the Nelson hey-day, on through a decade-plus of my pursuits as a drumming educator and solo artist. It delves deep into the creative, philosophical, and business aspects of surviving and thriving in both of those very different musical/cultural worlds and, as you might imagine, there are plenty of stories to tell! Here is an excerpt about my earliest motivations for pursuing the drummer-as-bandleader direction.
Scope it HERE:
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When is the best time of day to enjoy my Dragon Dirt smoothie?
The short answer: The best time to have it is whatever time of day it’s most likely for you to adopt it as part of your new routine. In general, healthy habits are formed when we can “ritualize” the new activity at around the same time each day so that it becomes a sustainable lifestyle change.
The longer answer: Here are some advantages to having the Dirt at various times of day…
For more info, or to try your very own bag of Dirt, go to:
Catch the article HERE
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9-16-21:From soundcheck today… gettin’ ready to thrash that shit tonight with Lita Ford here in Tacoma. (Foreigner also on the bill.) Should be smokin’!

9-15-21: Thanks, everybody, for all the love and well-wishes yesterday on my 45-year sobriety anniversary. It meant a lot. Then last night, I had a chance to celebrate with my brother-from-another-mother, Jackson Galaxy, as 9-14 is also HIS sobriety anniversary! Great times, complete with a kick-ass vegan b-day cake. Life is good, friends…
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9-14-21: Today, I celebrate 45 years of sobriety. The last time I smoked weed or drank alcohol, Gerald Ford was president, Muhammed Ali was the heavyweight champ, the average cost of a new home was $43,000, and “Play That Funky Music” was the number one single in the country. So yeah, it’s been a minute. And yet, I still say… for me, complete abstinence has been the only way to fly. That “inner addict” (who I lovingly refer to as “Mr. More”) is still around... but we have learned to co-exist, as I explain in my latest blog:
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9-3-21: Soundcheck view today. Back at the Nugget with Lita Ford tonight! Sin City, let’s rock it…
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8-30-21: Nice to revisit my Michelangelo obsession yesterday in LA…
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8-13-21: View from the soundboard, just before soundcheck this afternoon. Will be rockin’ this bitch in a few hours… (with Lita Ford):
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8-12-21: Headed back to Sturgis today for more of this tomorrow! "The Lost Art of Headbanging” (from the tail end of my solo at Sturgis 2018…)
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8-10-21: Hey Everyone - We are now offering a Dragon Dirt & T-Shirt bundle! Scope it here:
Dragon Dirt is the most potent all-in-one superfood powder on the planet… my own custom blend that I began formulating for my own use back in 2015. We just launched it earlier this year and folks have been “digging the Dirt!”
Add two scoops of Dirt to a fruit smoothie and that smoothie becomes the most nutrient-dense meal of the day. It has a full meal’s worth of healthy plant-based protein, high-fiber carbs and omega 3 fatty acids, and pretty much a full DAY'S worth of super greens and beet juice powder, high-antioxidant fruits, and immunity building adaptogens (herbs and mushrooms). It’s also 100% vegan, with no added sugar, fillers, or anything else… just full serving sizes of the 18 individual superfoods—that’s it! Check out to learn more about the ingredients, formula, health benefits, etc.
And thanks, everyone, for the ongoing support! It’s been a hell of a ride so far…
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7-31-21: Today’s soundcheck view… gettin’ ready to rock that shit tonight! With Lita Ford:
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(7-23-21) Grabbed a little audience footage the other night during the drum solo at the Mentor Civic Amphitheater. Two perspectives: Top frame (pic by Joe Merante) shows me filming… bottom frame shows what I filmed. Hittin’ with Lita Ford tonight
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(7-22-21) Last night’s post-show run in Lorain, OH. Trying to stay strong out here!
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(7-20-21) Post-soundcheck view today. Hittin’ with Lita Ford tonight at the Mentor Civic Amphitheater in Ohio.
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(7-18-21) Yesterday’s run in Ashland, VA. Got a ride to the gym, but then decided to run the 4 miles back to the hotel after my workout. Very few sidewalks and hardly any shoulder space to run on! Always an adventure when this happens with city running…
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(7-14-21) Killer crowd in Ashland last night! Pennsylvania and Ohio are next. With Lita Ford:
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(7-14-21) Hey everybody… thanks so much for all of the kick-ass birthday wishes yesterday! Indeed, it was a great day…
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(7-12-21) Finally hit that elusive milestone today: 365 consecutive days of meditation. I’ve had a practice for many years and I’ve been using this Calm app for the past few, mainly for my shorter medi sessions. It has this feature where it automatically tabulates how many days in a row you’ve meditated, for example: “10 Day Streak.” In the grand scheme of life, I doubt one’s “meditation streak” matters much. BUT - I figured it certainly couldn’t hurt to aspire to, say, a 365-day streak and see what might happen. And after a number of false starts, that magical 365-day moment arrived this AM.
Sure enough, I do believe the DAILY connection time has made a difference—even as the quality of each session can vary radically. How So? 1) My ability to drop into a focused state of concentration quickly has improved. 2) There appears to be a closer connection to that “space between thoughts” where new ideas and epiphanies bubble up. 3) My practice of the primary tenets of mindfulness (as I see them) seems sharper and more consistent: Awareness of the present moment through breath; the “observer’s” daily practice of non-judgment and non-attachment; the ongoing cultivation of the “gratitude filter," etc.
To be clear, the differences are subtle. But they're noteworthy enough for me to want to extend the streak to a second year. 730 days in a row? Let’s go…
PS. I shudder to think what kind of medi streak a real-deal “cultivator” like my friend Rev. Heng Sure has going on now. I’m sure he would laugh at my piddly 365 days. (Actually, he probably wouldn’t laugh, because he probably wouldn’t judge!) Check out his page for a daily excursion into real mindfulness, especially as it relates to nature and animals. Love that guy...
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7-11-21: Had a blast playing Leatherheads near Salt Lake last night with Lita Ford. We love playing these smaller places, as well. Tons of energy. After the set, I realized I had not packed a shirt in my change of clothes, so I had to take the short walk back to the hotel without one. First time for everything, I suppose. But I encountered these fine folks - Cathy Burgener & Dave Bahls - (and several others) en route. Back at it next week. Catch all tour dates here:
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7-8-21: There will be more of this tonight in Streator, IL (near Chicago) with Lita Ford and co. (Enuff Z’Nuff also on the bill). Catch all tour dates here: (Pic by Gary Brown)
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7-2-21: Late-night training in Indianapolis, after a Lita Ford show last night. The train rolls further east today.
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6-29-21: Friends… this man is a PROFESSIONAL! He is Clint Naughton of LKP Concert Productions, and he’s handled backline gear duties for Lita Ford the last couple times we played Tulsa. This past Saturday, when I walked in the IDL Ballroom for soundcheck, my drums were already set up just right, tuned to perfection, and ready to roll. Why? Because the first time around, Clint took vids and notes on my set-up in case we worked together again. Man, I love seeing someone take their job as seriously as I take mine. The man is a fucking beast!!!! Thanks, Clint. Catch you next time…
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6-27-21: Hittin’ the weights late-night after a fun show at the IDL Ballroom in Tulsa last night with Lita Ford. Did some chest and back supersets, along with plenty of agonizing “drumbell” movements, which I explain in the vid. It’s been a grind of a week, with no meaningful amount of sleep since Tuesday night. BUT - training hard under this kind of mental/physical duress can really help to maximize that conditioning. Lots more of this shit ahead in July!
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6-26-21: Had a blast hittin’ in the hometown last night at Warehouse Live. (Still a DW guy, but the backline co could only meet my specs with this Tama kit… so we make due.) Tulsa tonight! With Lita Ford:
Photo by David Castillo
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6-25-21 - Grabbed a quick shot of last night’s crowd during the drum solo. Headed back home to H-town for another show with Lita Ford tonight.
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6-24-21: Another great day for a rock show! Soundcheck view this AM for a Lita Ford hit tonight.
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6-11-21: Out for a workout and run this morning in Wisconsin. So great to be back out here doing this s**t! Hittin’ with Lita Ford tonight. See all of our upcoming dates HERE.
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6-6-21 - A shot from the office yesterday, mid-show in Sunbury, PA with Lita Ford. Good to see folks out scoping live music again. See all of our upcoming dates HERE:
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- June 5 - Sunbury, PA - Spyglass Ridge Winery - Live United Live Music Festival (with Dokken, Warrant, Jack Russell’s Great White, and George Lynch)
- June 11 - Rice Lake, WI - Aquafest
- June 24 - Brainerd, MN - Lakes Jam (with Ratt, Slaughter, Kip Winger, and Autograph
- June 25 - Houston, TX - Warehouse Live - (with Warrant, Bulletboys, and John Corabi)
- June 26 - Tulsa, OK - IDL Ballroom
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5-26-21: Just finishing up Lita Ford rehearsals this week. It's been a minute, but it felt great to grind through the set, make some tweaks, and get the machine cranking again. First show back is in Sunbury, PA, first weekend of June. Catch all the dates HERE.
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5-23-21: Sad to report the passing of my Nelson bandmate, Joey Cathcart, this past week. The Nelson Bros. put together a nice tribute for him at Meethook Live, and they asked me to do a little vid for the occasion. Joey was a beautiful spirit and a hell of a musician. Still trying to process this one...
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5-13-21: Throwin’ it back to a 2018 photo shoot for the back cover of my book, “The Boy Is Gonna Rock.” Longtime friend—and one of the best photographers I know—Mariana Tosca (Tosca Photography) asked me to bring over a bunch of personal memorabilia, pics, and “items of relevance,” based on the era of the book’s focus. I did, and she arranged it all like a collage for the back cover. But I had to poke my head in for a quick shot during the process… for posterity’s sake!
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5-10-21: I covered this in last week's Newsletter, but just wanted to link the blog post about it here:
Click title for the blog: Lampposts in the Moonglow
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5-1-21: California dreamin’ on my run today... on sabbatical, enjoying the remote farmlands of central Cali. Looking forward to a return to the road later this month with Lita Ford... and a return to running in unfamiliar places again!
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4-25-21: Artwork - by our very own member, Nash Bandit.
“What if?” That is a question I posed in my last memoir, The Boy Is Gonna Rock, and this is a cool drawing by artist Nash Bandit that answers one very hypothetical outcome.
In her own words: "So apparently, when Paul Stanley did his 1989 solo tour, (Bobby Rock) was recommended as a possible drummer, but was declined due to how recent the whole VVI thing was, and as such, Eric Singer was eventually chosen. But this brings a fun "what if" that Bobby himself has mentioned in not only his book, but also in an interview or two. What if he HAD been chosen for that drummer slot? Would he have been called in to fill in for Eric Carr? Would he be in Kiss nowadays? We'll never know the answer to that, BUT as an artist, I at least get to see (and also show you guys) how he could've looked in the Catman makeup! And it... actually turned out way better than I could've ever imagined! Kinda wish that "what if" had happened now that I'm seeing it to some extent lol, but hey, fate has its reasons!"
This is true! Thanks, Bandit, for another killer drawing…
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4-23-12: Finally, after over a year of training exclusively in a home gym environment, it's nice to be back in the groove of the middle-of-the-night public gym workout... with hardly anyone else around! Of course, Planet Fitness isn't exactly the most "gym rat"-style option in LA, but it is open 24 hours and 1/2 mile from the crib, and I do find it functional. (I'm also a member of another, more free weight-centric gym—with a pool—that's also open 24 hours, but I haven't been back to that one yet.) Anyway... returning to normalcy a bit at a time, it seems.
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4-22-21: Throwin’ it back to 2013, warming up backstage at a Lita Ford/Molly Hatchet show at Sturgis... in one of the greenest green rooms ever. There will be plenty of this again starting in June!
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4-19-21: In this week’s Bobby Rock Newsletter, I write about the early days of... Drums! Black Sabbath! And…. blacklight posters? Yes, blacklight posters... and the unique role they continue to play in my life. Take a second and sign up for the Newsletter here:
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4-9-21: Another kick-ass springtime training day here in LA. From today’s run...
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Here’s a short memoir I recently wrote about finding what appeared to be the Holy Grail of rare Rich recordings at a Boston record shop, way back in ’81 when I was a student at the Berklee College of Music. I wrote this for a recent edition of my Newsletter (#6: 3-10-21) which I share in its entirety on the blog.
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3-18-21: "Maximum bang for your nutritional buck.” That was what I wanted to offer folks when I decided to take Dragon Dirt, my very own custom superfood powder, public on January 1. I knew that if people would “knock back some dirt,” it would be a game-changer for their health and well-being. As it’s turning out, folks are doing more than just knocking it back. They are finding easy, tasty ways to mix it and are making it their new breakfast, lunch, or supper! And, they are feeling that “dirty” surge of clean nutritional energy that happens when you take in FULL SERVING SIZES of 18 of the world’s most acclaimed superfoods.
Thanks, everyone! Glad to hear so many are “digging the dirt.” Grab a bag HERE. More info HERE.
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Read on the blog: An Evening of Nunsense for pics and better formatting: /)
My last memoir, The Boy Is Gonna Rock, takes a deep dive into the wild ride of my first major gig with the Vinnie Vincent Invasion during the infamous 80s hair metal era. The follow-up—which has a good chance for a 2021 release—picks up where "The Boy" left off: on a high note. The first part of the book details my time in the studio and on the road with Nelson, a band that would enjoy a brief but fiery run atop the charts and throughout the world media. But then, several chapters in, the culture changes, and I phase into my full-time pursuits of being a drumming solo artist and clinician... and we dip down into a decade's worth of the most grueling touring and financial logistics imaginable. It's shaping up to be a hell of a read.
There is actually a lot of heavy shit in this book. I go deep into some personal tragedies and other issues that I've never fully discussed publicly. But for this initial excerpt—which I shared for the first time in my Newsletter a month ago—I've chosen a fun and breezy recollection from the "After the Rain" tour. (Disclaimer: This is an original, unedited first draft excerpt!)
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2-16-21 - Folks seem to be digging the new Bobby Rock Newsletter! Issue #3 hits tomorrow. (This in-studio pic of Lita and I is from Issue #1, talking about the new Lita Ford record, FYI.) Just go to the upper right-hand corner of any page here at the site and sign up with your name/email/password. Only takes a minute.
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2-11-21: Here’s a throw-back “story-time” vid from just a few years ago around the release of my book, “The Boy Is Gonna Rock.” I read a brief excerpt that deals with “the moment” that one discovers their destiny—a common phenomenon among musicians. Special shout-outs to my brothers Cole Newbury and Jim Mooradian.
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2-6-21 - Hittin’ the weights. In a parking lot. 3:00 AM. Joy!!! Yes it is… but it also speaks to something of a “new normal” during Covid. I’ve had to arrange for no less than three different workout areas around my crib, this one sort of an indoor/outdoor vibe. I really enjoy lifting weights outside and getting some fresh air… (well, as fresh as you can expect from Los Angeles!). Sometimes I’ll roll a little vid footage to double-check my form. Thought this clip was kinda funny… talking to myself!
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1-30-21: Although superfood smoothies have been part of my daily routine since 1993, I started making my own superfood blends in 2015 after I couldn’t find any single product in the marketplace that had everything I was looking for. With my insane schedule and unique nutritional requirements, I needed to "get it done" in a single, all-in-one complete meal blend: a hefty serving of plant-based protein, high-fiber carbs, and healthy fats, and a crazy amount of super greens, high-antioxidant fruits, and medicinal herbs and mushrooms… all combining together for the healthiest, most consistent daily meal in my life. I was also cramming in full servings of beet juice powder and cordyceps mushroom, two of the most tested superfoods for jacking up athletic performance. It was an expensive but stout-ass blend. I jokingly referred to it as “dragon dirt” because of its otherworldly potency and, well, because it looked like dirt!
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1-21-21: A memorable #TBT shot: Me and Peter Criss, “Somewhere in Time,” backstage at the Long Beach Arena during the Iron Maiden/Vinnie Vincent Invasion tour. It’s been a minute... (Photo by Mike Gibbens)
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1-13-21: Ok, so I’m a little “hands on” with the Dirt... and I wouldn’t have it any other way. At the bottom of every bag, I personally sign my name and write down which blend is in it. (B7 = Blend 7.) I know where every single ingredient comes from and remain engaged with every facet of the acquisition/blending/packaging process, even as I’m building an extremely competent team. Some day soon I might have to rethink the way we do things around here. But for now, we will use this “hands-on” approach to keep bringing you the best superfood powder in the world. Thanks again, everyone!
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1-11-21: Trying to meditate every day for a year, and I’m right at the 1/2 way mark now. I’ve been using this Calm app for 2 or 3 years now, mainly for my shorter sessions, but I always fuck up and miss a day. Gotta make that full year! I think it’s helpful to bring real structure to the practice, just like we do for any other kind of training. Still tough to quiet the mind, though...
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1-10-21 - Meet Summer. She’s what’s known as a Silkie—one of hundreds of different breeds of chickens. Her ancestors likely started out in China. But now, she finds herself living the life in my BFF’s backyard chicken nirvana with her roommate, Scarlett, who's also a Silkie. Yes, like dogs and cats, chickens also need to be rescued... to the tune of about 9 billion a year just in the US. But that’s another story…
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1-5-21 - Thanks for the killer Dragon Dirt launch this weekend, everyone! So thrilled to hear about everyone “digging the dirt!” Scope out a bag here.
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1-1-21 -Thrilled to announce the official launch TODAY of my new superfood powder, Dragon Dirt. I chose January 1 to launch because it’s such a symbolic day... often the reboot of a healthier lifestyle for many. And I truly believe this stuff can be a game-changer for anyone who consistently uses it.
12-22-20 - Here’s a backstage clip from a show last year, as Marty and Patrick “take 5" during the drum solo. Notice the variety of fruits and veggies we typically have on hand—all of those phytonutrients and antioxidants are important to load up on when touring. Of course, we all have our own way of managing out there!
Love and miss my road family: Lita Ford, Marty O’Brien, Patrick Kennison, George Marshall, and Jarod Woznic.
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12-18-20: Today marks four years since I lost my best bud, Barry. This kind of loss is not something you ever fully recover from. Around the time of his passing, I wrote this blog post about Barry, his life, and the excruciating circumstances around his departure. It’s still tough for me to read, but I’m glad this detailed account of his life and times is out there. This little guy was truly one-in-a-million…
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12-10-20: Quick update for those following the storyline here. We are currently prepping for our 1-1-21 launch of my new superfood powder, Dragon Dirt. However, we will continue to do our best to keep the Dirt available in December for advanced purchases. At the moment, we are stocked-up and shipping, but it's hard to say how long that will be the case. Check status HERE.
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12-4-20: Thank you, everybody! Should have more Dirt available next week. For everyone who ordered, everything has shipped! Appreciate the love...
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12-2-20: Friends, I am super pumped to announce the January 2021 launch of my very own all-in-one meal replacement powder. I couldn’t find any single product in the market that had the kind of quality/quantity ratios of ingredients that I was looking for, so I created it myself. It’s called Dragon Dirt, and I truly believe it is the most potent superfood powder on the planet.
The “Dirt” contains a full meal’s worth of macronutrients (plant-based protein, high-fiber carbs, and healthy fats) plus a full range of micronutrients from various super greens and veggies, high-antioxidant fruits, and mushroom and herb adaptogens, for maximum energy, immunity, mind/body wellness, and sports performance. It’s also one of the few complete meal products in the world that features FULL SERVING SIZES of each of its 18 ingredients. And it’s all vegan with no added sugar, flavorings, or emulsifiers—just the 18 ingredients and nothing else.
Although this post is my first official announcement of the powder, I’ve had it up on the site here for a couple months now so folks in my inner circle could access some sample bags in advance. But others are already finding it, trying it out and, thankfully, loving it!
Just add 2 scoops of Dragon Dirt to a blender concoction (like a simple fruit smoothie) and that shake becomes the healthiest, most nutrient-dense meal of the day—period. Or, add 1 scoop to any shake you currently enjoy and jack up the overall nutritional firepower two or three-fold.
Again, the official launch will kick-off next month on 1-1-21, but we will be cranking out blends throughout the month of December. So, if you want to try some Dirt for yourself - or if you would like to “give the gift of health” to a loved one for Christmas this year - scope it out at the Bobby Rock Store. We’ve been turning orders around inside of 24 hours. (We’ve also been selling out almost every week, so if you see that we’re out of stock, check back the next day.)
All for now. Thanks, everyone…
11-28-20: Alphabet Drumming is something I've been secretly working on for years. Now, it's time to start posting some clips so you can get a vibe for what it sounds like. If you click on Drumming and scroll down to The Solo Artist section, you can read about how I am integrating the concept into my latest solo record. But for now, let me post a quick "practice room vid" - of which there are probably hundreds - just so you can hear something. This is me spelling out - in rhythm - the tail end of MLK's infamous "I Have a Dream" speech, which I recorded on his b-day last year.
Here are my original notes, scribbled on the back of some random index card:
Much more to come...
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11-27-20: My dad would've been 81 today. Damn. Been almost 7 years since he moved on to the Next Adventure. It's not something you ever get over. But I lucked out to have him for as long as I did. Always thought it was cool that he shared a birthday with Bruce Lee (1940) and Jimi Hendrix (1942)!
Here's a blog post I wrote right after he passed. Hell of a human: The MAN – Reflections on a Life with the World’s Greatest Dad
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11-26-20: This is Juju. Crazy to think that this girl spent the first 8+ years of her life as a street feral... when she is now pimpin' it as an indoor kitty. Life is good!
Notice, by the way, that chunk of her right ear that's missing. This is a bit of "collateral damage" inherent to what we call TNR - Trap, Neuter, Return. Whenever you "TNR" a colony of feral cats, you trap each one, take them to the vet to be spay or neutered, then return them home to where you found them where, of course, you continue regularly feeding until they all eventually, naturally, pass on. TNR is absolutely critical, though! Otherwise, these motherfuckers will keep on procreating forever and ever!
However, whenever you have a feral fixed, the vet will always perform this "ear tipping" thing (when the cat is under anesthesia for the procedure) - as you see here - so that if any other activist might trap a cat who's already been fixed, they can see the ear tip and let them out of the trap so they don't have to be brought into the vet again. But we always noticed that Juju had an exceedingly pronounced tipping... yet another thing that makes her special!
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Clockwise from the vegan "turkey" slices on the bottom, we have some mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, green beans, sweet potatoes, and stuffing. Delicious!
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11-21-20: If this kit doesn’t drive the Cub-Man - my longtime drum tech - into retirement, nothing will! Been 32 years working together... and counting. He is the master, and we are in the midst of recording this beast of a kit for my next solo release: one of the main projects that has captured a lot of my time in 2020.
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But now, 8 months into the Covid reality and with no end in sight, it seems like a bit of a “return to normalcy” might be in order... however that’s supposed to look these days. And I really appreciate all of the personal messages and emails of concern or inquiry... although I haven’t had a chance to go through many of them yet. But I will! Hope everyone has been hanging in ok. More soon...
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