For Close to Three Years...
The BR Newsletter has become a weekly must-read to a devoted base of subscribers who consider it one of the best-written, most thought-provoking newsletters on the web. Featuring an infamously wide-range of topics—from tour journals and music news, to the self-reflective and philosophical, to project announcements and updates, to drumming/writing previews and health and fitness tips, to book/vid/podcast recommendations—this is a dense offering of top-quality content, nearly every week. Won't you join us?
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Scope the BR Newsletter Archives below.
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BR Newsletter Archives
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #106 (9-6-23) - The Story of Alphabet Drumming
To Master it... Measure It!: If you want to improve on something—anything, in fact—figure out how to measure it...
A Special B-Day Shout-Out: one of the world's most notorious road dogs! Happy (landmark!) Birthday to my main man... The Cub!!!
Alphabet Drumming: Pounding out words and phrases on a giant drum kit that doubles as a sort of percussive "typewriter" might seem a bit unusual. But I absolutely love the concept, continue to find it both exhilarating and challenging to execute, and still get a kick out of how seamlessly the written word tends to translate into cool and unique drumming ideas. So... finally, here's the painstakingly detailed backstory—with plenty of pics and vids—all in one place.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #105 (8-15-23) - Goal Setting: Yea or Nay?
- Goal setting: It's a time-honored practice in the self-help world, but should we bother with getting that specific about our future? Or, should we "roll with the flow of the Universe," so to speak, and let things unfold organically? Let us ponder...
- Killer Quote: One of my faves on the perils of falling short with your goals...
- On the Road with Lita Ford: A few highlights from some recent shows...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #104 (7-31-23) - Virtuoso
- On the Road with Lita Ford:: A bit about my training/playing/traveling experience in Bay City this past weekend...
- Virtuoso: Seeing one of my most influential virtuosos 40+ years later, and a reflective walk down "Virtuoso Lane"...
- An "Appetite For Destruction" and the Art of Infrequent Indulgences - My eternal quest for the greatest vegan donuts... and other "food-like substances" we probably should avoid outright: but what fun would that be?
- New Decade Gigs: I've had memorable gigs on each of my last four decade-beginning birthdays... at 30, 40, 50, and now 60. Here's the quick overview of each... with a bit of reflection.
- 7-13-23: Birthday show.... and the craziest karmic collision of present and past bands you can imagine, all "coincidentally" aligned in a Columbus, OH suburb, on the same day. You couldn't make this shit up, folks!
- It's All About Mindset: Revisiting Carol Dweck's classic work on MIndset... and how it's never too late for an "old dog" to learn new tricks!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #102 (7-2-23) - Trapped in Guantánamo Bay!
- Road Check-in: Rockin' Guantanamo Bay with Lita Ford... and playing for a "captive" audience! (Sorry, that was a Patrick Kennison pun...)
- The Best is Yet to Come: Is your finest hour ahead of you or behind you?
- Future-Self Reflection: This week’s journal exercise could open your mind to a different destination…
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #101 (6-17-23) - Back in the Saddle... in Sweden!
- Back in the Saddle: A personal update in the aftermath of our 100th Newsletter edition. Onward we shall roll!
- Sweden Rocks: Behind the scenes at Sweden Rock, one of the world’s largest music festivals.
- Healthy Eating: Makeshift meals on the road, here and abroad...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #100 (5-2-23) - Thank You, Goodnight!
- Mission Accomplished! - Riffing and reflection on the 100-Newsletter milestone, as we say “Thanks a million,” and contemplate where we go from here…
- Behind-the-Scenes: Thank You’s and Acknowledgments. This thing doesn’t happen by itself!
- The Dirty Dozen: For the sake of the occasion, we highlight twelve newsletter editions from the past couple years… each of which garnered noteworthy reaction, and/or meant something extra special to write about.
- It's Impossible!: Taking in some mind expansion from Steven Kotler’s killer book, The Art of Impossible. Countless nuggets in this one, but I’ll zero in on a game-changer today...
- 1000 Consecutive Days of Meditation: I tend to be a life landmark sort of guy (as many of you have already gathered), so I discuss a bit about hitting this one this past week.
- Embracing Excess with "The Octopus:" What does a one-bar groove utilizing 22 different sound-sources sound like? Unlike anything else! Revisiting this beautiful monstrosity from my instructional DVD, The Zen of Drumming (circa 2000)… and the cultural ramifications from the day.
- Some Quick Wisdom from Atomic Habits, the blockbuster book from James Clear: Whether we engage in good habits or bad, it’s gonna take some time to see the full effects of either, but they’re coming. Choose wisely.
- Finding My Soul: How playing an urban club circuit in the most dangerous part of Houston changed my playing… and the “special" blacklight poster that serves as a reminder of those sacrosanct times.
- Willie Nelson Card Trick: The genius of an icon, displayed in a masterful presentation of an elaborate card trick you’ve gotta see!
- The Process, The Practice, and The Progress!: It’s all about the process of our practice if we want to make progress. Let’s take a closer look at a unique artist and a prolific writer to get to the bottom of this one…
- The Parable of the Old Car: What’s your true value… and are you getting/giving it in your present situation? We got some helpful wisdom here, kids.
- A Picture’s Worth…: A playful pic from Milan… and the real beauty of black sox.
- Back Into Road Mode: From the International Theater in Vegas to the legendary Whisky a Go Go in LA, this past weekend ran the gamut. Scope out the evidence here, with pics and vids aplenty…
- Lita Ford Tour Dates: Here are the most current 2023 listings I could scrape together through July… so far!
- Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad!: Thriving as a Creative Freelancer - Here’s a little Neil Gaiman wisdom on the three personal attributes any creative freelancer should have… but why any two will suffice.
- Reflections on a Classic - Van Halen 1: Examining one of the great works of our time, and revisiting its significance 45 years later.
- The "Hunger Game” and Why I Still Play It: Cliche as it may be, “stay hungry” has been a long-time cultural directive. But is there still something to be said for its practice as we get older, or is it strictly a younger person’s mantra?
- A Journal Reflection: Yet another contemplative journaling exercise to illuminate more about what makes us tick and why…
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #94 (2-4-23) - A Star is Born
- The Before - Reflections on impending fatherhood, from the hospital room, mere hours before the birth.
- The After - Trying to catch my breath more than one week later, reflecting on the full magnitude and beauty of being a first-time dad, and how everything will change… or not.
- Jeff Beck Tribute - It’s been over three weeks since the maestro passed, but for a full circle-of-life vibe, and as promised, we’ve included that brief Jeff Beck tribute in this issue, as well. (Be sure and scope out the audio/video clips, including a mesmerizing tribute from one of my fave guitar heroes—and long-time friend and bandmate—Brett Garsed.)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #93 (1-17-23) - Fame, Fortune, or Freedom?
- A study of Fame, Fortune, and Freedom, and how, with enough focus and grit, you can have one, maybe two, but probably not all three! Pick your poison wisely.
- All About You - A Compelling Contemplation: Here we examine how your own personal hierarchy of “The Big Three" could be (and probably already is) a driving force in your life. The question is, do you have them in your proper order?
- Into as of Late: A look at the new Elvis movie, in all of its tragic and tantalizing glory…
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #92 (1-7-23) - A Performance of a Lifetime
- A Performance of a Lifetime: What does a random 70s hit, from a lesser-known “yacht rock” band called Starbuck, have to do with capturing magic in the studio? Lend me your ear...
- Pure Genius: That’s all you can really say about one of America’s greatest writers, Emily Dickinson. Lend me your mind…
- Into as of Late: Cauliflower Crust Pizza. Yes, it rocks. Lend me your pallet!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #91 (1-2-23) - Another Run Around the Sun
- In This Moment: The last day of the year merged into the first, with a killer end-of-year show thrown into the mix along the way…
- A Post-Big-Announcement Reflection: I’ve had some great feedback since last week’s impending fatherhood announcement, and here’s a bit of reflection in the aftermath.
- Let’s get 2023 Jumpin’!: A touch of wisdom and inspiration for the New Year...
- Special Announcement: For those of you who know me well, you will not see this announcement coming!
- Understanding Hallmark Christmas Movies: Yes, this is probably an unusual topic to cover in the BR Newsletter, and you may be wondering why the hell I’ve decided to go down the rabbit hole of trying to describe my relationship to, and observations of, this genre of film. (Hey, I wonder the same!) But let’s do it anyway...
- Season’s Greetings, 1987-style: Found this old holiday throwback pic deep in the vault: from a special Vinnie Vincent Invasion photo shoot… 35 years ago!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #89 (12-19-22) - Rockin' the Wisdom for 2023
- A Tale of Three Cities - A quick peek at our last multi-city run of 2022, and the “joys” of the 3-3-3 reality!
- A Tale of Two Gyms - This week’s choices offered a mixed bag for training, but we made it fly. Here’s how…
- The Wisdom of: Revisiting our favorite books. Why re-reading (or better yet, listening to audiobook versions of) your favorite non-fiction books could be a great idea for the new year.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #88 (12-11-22) - "The Monster" Turns 40!
- The Here and Now: Literally en route with Lita Ford and co. to a show in Kansas as I get this bitch rolling, after another cool hit in Chi-Town last night. Here’s the absolute latest…
- The Monster Lives On! - In a Berklee practice room some 40 years ago, I created what some have considered to be one of the more difficult grooves in the known Drum Nerd Universe. I called it "The Monster,” and it would go on to find a place in the world in my 1989 video and book, Metalmorphosis. Here’s the story…
- A Kick-Ass Winter Recipe to Try - Is it a soup... or a chili? Well… it’s an easy-to-prepare soup that eats like a chili! Scope this one out immediately...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #87 (12-3-22) - We Are Golden!
- On the Road: Lita Ford shows in December
- We Are Golden: Tracking the unlikely journey of one of the world’s most coveted Buddha statues… and what valuable lessons we can “glean” from the story.
- Dragon Dirt Turns Two!: We pre-launched the “Dirt” in December of 2020, and we are still gratefully thriving. Here’s a bit of reflection on our travels thus far...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #86 (11-27-22) - The Discomfort Zone
- In This Moment: Another edition of this Newsletter, written on the run, as life is unfolding. Here’s the latest…
- The Discomfort Zone - If we want to evolve, this lovely zone will be unavoidable. But what is the connection between stoking our personal evolution and running in the cold-ass rain? Let us ruminate…
- Some Rudyard Kipling wisdom... what I believe every dad would want his son to know... on 11-27-22—what would have been my dad's 83rd birthday. (Miss you, Papi...)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #85 (11-19-22) - "Just Drive the Bus!"
- Back on the Road: Houston (and Oklahoma)-bound this week with Lita Ford and co.
- "Just Drive the Bus:” A super hot tip for any aspiring peak performer, wrapped up in a story over 40 years in the making!
- Let's Give Thanks!: Another Thanksgiving Day beckons… as does a reminder that every day is “Thanksgiving" with the right perspective.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #84 (11-12-22) - Man in the Arena
- Man in the Arena - Ignore all naysayers and soldier on with this century-old wisdom. It’s what we all must do if we want to stay “in the arena” (and I know you do).
- Revisiting Monster Circus: an arena rock “supergroup" before its time?
- Into as of Late: The Shep Gordon documentary… watch this motherfucker tonight!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #83 (11-6-22) - Better. Progress. Now!
- Update on the Now… with a Nod to the Then: Trying to get it all done on a rare slammed weekend at home… plus, vegan cupcakes rock!
- The Key to Progress on Anything—NOW: Yes, you must have a vision… but you also must have lots of digits in place. Let’s examine this further for immediate progress on what’s important to you.
- Transitions: To My favorite doggie in the world... "It was a great run!" Man, this shit never gets easier...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #82 (10-29-22) - No Biz Like Showbiz
- A Picture’s Worth: Hanging with my VVI/Slaughter brothers last night for a grand ol’ time…
- Will Drum For Food: Another excerpt from my next book, this one reintroducing a character from my last… who you probably thought we wouldn’t be hearing from again!
- Newsletter Preview: a Nov/Dec homestretch peek that will include a “startling variety” of topics. I know you guys wouldn’t have it any other way!
- An Extraordinary Human: My BFF has lived an exemplary life in service to the disenfranchised, the forgotten, the unwanted, and the sickly… and I’m sure they’re all grateful. But what else has her “Hero’s Journey" yielded, particularly to those closest to her?
- Journal Reflection: When we answer the Call (you know the one I’m talking about)… how might those in our life—as well as potentially many others—be positively affected?
- Drum Vid Vault: Switching gears a bit here… it’s an arena rock thing!
- Check-in From the Road Once Again, before a Fall break in the action. Here’s the latest…
- Fall Seven, Rise Eight…: How “getting back on the wagon,” quickly, is imperative for a solid health and fitness program.
- On This Special Day: What’s so special about October 15? It’s my “little sister’s” b-day. But man, you gotta hear the story of how our birthday call tradition began...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #79 (10-8-22) - My Past Life as a...
- Band On the Run - Checking in from yet another crazy-ass Lita Ford excursion this weekend, as I put finishing touches on the very Newsletter you’re reading right now. (Love the pace out here!)
- My Past Life as a Baseball Fanatic - Yes, friends, before drums, it was all about bats, balls, and baseball cards… and my “certain” future as a major leaguer.
- Vegan Adventures at Dodger Stadium - Ok, so maybe Black Sabbath would trump Babe Ruth… but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t remain somewhat of a lifelong baseball fan. Here’s a behind-the-scenes glimpse of what lies beneath Dodger Stadium in "The Dugout Club”… including an impressive amount of vegan options at the buffet
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #78 (10-1-22) - Extreme Ownership
- Extreme Ownership: It’s the title of an interesting book, but also a great "Jocko mantra" to keep in mind as we navigate this game called life…
- About Last Week: A quick update on the happenings of our San Antonio show last week, and a full-circle moment that was destined to go down!
- Lita Ford Tour Dates: Here’s the latest, as we make our way to the finish line of 2022.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #77 (9-24-22) - Kind of Genius!
- In This Moment: In San Antonio today, contemplating life’s endless full-circle reckonings.
- The pure genius of one of the great LPs of all time: Kind of Blue by Miles Davis
- Journal Work: Pull the best of your past into the present with this kick-ass exercise.
- What Was the First Record of Your Collection? I just ran across mine this week, in its original vinyl form. Let me "show and tell" you about it…
- 46 Years Sober - Personally speaking, my sobriety has been my superpower. Without it, I’m sure I would’ve checked out of here many moons ago. Here’s a quick reflection on my experience of the "Lucid Life.”
- A Word From the Buddha on detaching from that which doesn’t serve us… a concept that is as alive for me today as it was 46 years ago.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #75 (9-10-22) - A Quick Guide to a Freer Mind
- A Freer Mind Awaits… just as soon as we decide to stop reacting to all the stimuli around us. Viktor Frankl wisdom ahead...
- Build Strength, Speed, and Stamina… with my own favorite take on interval training in the weight room.
- Big Screen Drum Solos? I say Fuck Yes! in our latest installment of Drum Vid Vault.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #74 (9-3-22) - Social Media Madness!
- The Here and Now: Checking in with an in-the-moment update from the road, Las Vegas-style...
- Social Media Madness and the Mind/Body Connection: I wrote this piece twelve years ago and all concerns are still warranted! Scope it…
- It’s Quotable: Some wise words from a few centuries back that we would all do well to heed today...
- The Last Show: Remembering the volatile occasion of the final VVI show, 34 years ago this week.
- This Time it's Personal! Revisiting a recent trip to Italy with one of the most extensive travel blogs I may have ever done.
- Capturing North Africa, Spain, China, Scandinavia... - While we’re hot on the subject, reference a few of my past travel blogs right here…
- In This Moment: Here in the great state of Idaho, engaging various show-day rituals, and contemplating the perils of perfectionism...
- Go For Quantity to Get Quality? This counterintuitive idea is definitely something to think on…
- 50 Pounds of Pottery: a real-life parable for today’s musings…
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #71 (8-13-22) - How I Quit Smoking
- How I Quit Smoking - Did yours truly ever really smoke? Oh yes… quite a bit, actually, just like so many of my fellow recovery program kids in the seventies. Here’s how and why I called it a day with the Marlboroughs…
- Journaling Exercise: Imagine doubling any skill you currently have, instantaneously. How might your life change… or not? We’re going deep with this hypothetical, friends…
- Redemption in Sturgis - Redemption is sweet, and the Lita Ford gang and I had a nice taste of it this past Monday in South Dakota…
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #70 (8-6-22) - Healthier Eating with "Macro-Snacks"
- 36-Year Anniversary of the debut Vinnie Vincent Invasion record this week!!!! Damn.
- Snack Happy: A few ideas on “Macro-Snacks” to bolster your clean protein, high-fiber carbs, and healthy fats… as needed.
- It’s Quotable: Here’s a quote to contemplate from Charlotte’s Web author extraordinaire, E. B. White.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #69 (7-30-22) - The Last 24 Hours
Drum Vid Vault: A little "drummer’s perspective" video footage from last night’s hit near Dayton, OH… during the drum solo.
- On This Day: Up at 2:30 AM and en route to Iron Mountain, MI… with potential trouble in paradise.
- The Show Must Go On… even if we are a little wounded. It’s what we do...
A Case for Walking: Here’s a lifestyle concept that, in this day and age, we would all do well to integrate. Details ahead…
- Contemplating some timeless wisdom from the “original gangster,” Confucius…
- Lita Ford tour dates through August
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #67 (7-16-22) - The Science of Happiness
- Is Happiness Really a Science? Sure, but we don't have to treat it as such. Try these 12 approaches to it instead...
- What happens when you meditate every single day for two years straight? Good things!
- Another Year Around the Sun: A quick birthday reflection
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #66 (7-9-22) - After the Fame
- Mini Gallery from the Past 24 Hours - A few sights from the road...
- New book preview: "After the Fame…" Part 2 to last week’s study on the perceptions of fame, and what it’s like when the tables of fan vs performer are turned.
- Drum Vid Vault: Something new for our ongoing expansion of vid archives… Sniffing the inside of drums! (It’s a drummer thing, if ever there was one…)
- In Search of Neil Peart… and the regrettable actions of a 17-year-old me. Good God! Recounting the unfortunate (but amusing) story from my upcoming book, Will Drum For Food.
- Speaking of Rush, redemption wins out in the end! This three-minute video is among my favorites on all of YouTube. A must-see, if ever there was one…
- Soul-Food: A heavy quote for your contemplation from Mr. Self-Actualization himself, Abraham Maslow
- How and why creating a few rituals and routines in your AM and PM can add real value to your life…
- Conversely… flexibility can be your friend! Lessons in "embracing chaos" from the world of touring…
- Running Man: Six years of doing these “selfie” running videos goes full circle in Milwaukee last night
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #63 (6-18-22) - "Moderation Kills!"
- Lifting Heavy with "the Big Man:" A super-rare mini-gallery of shots involving my weightlifting mentor and great friend, Big Lynn Branam
- "Moderation Kills!" A bit of a sensationalized title this week? Maybe. But not too far from the truth. Let’s explore…
- Lita Ford Summer Tour Dates - Scope the latest here...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #62 (6-11-22) - All the Power's in the Process!
- Process Before Outcome: In this goals/effect/outcome world we live in, it’s actually focus on your process or system that gets you further down the road...
- Down and Dirty with Dragon Dirt: Another “magic mushroom” that’s clearly a nutritional game-changer for superior health.
- Drum Vid Vault: A solo clip from a Lita Ford tour in Europe… this one from Sweden (we think)...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #61 (6-4-22) - In Praise of a "Normal Day"
- Cultivating appreciation for the blissfully uneventful day
- Update on the "warrior status" of all Lita Ford camp members: we are getting it done out here.
- Another (potentially) life-changing contemplation exercise… if we can get beyond the contemplating and actually “do the work."
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #60 (5-28-2022) - Transitions
- In This Moment: in Miami… Oklahoma, that is. Here’s what the hell is going on.
- Two Profound Transitions: The Man with the Plan makes his exit… and “Mamani” moves on.
- Let’s Go Deep… and attempt to extract a little “soul food” from loss.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #59 (5-21-2022) - The Ones that Got Away
- New Lita Ford Bassist Announcement
- The Ones that Got Away… from yours truly. Devastating, one and all… but it’s cool.
- Drum Vid Vault: A sequential look at how shit has evolved with the “Big Kit”…
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #58 (5-14-2022) - A Tiny Taste of Italia
- A Tiny Taste, indeed… via a few of my fave pix, of which there are hundreds! A more extensive blog about the whole mind-blowing trip is imminent.
- Drink the Dirt Daily!: That’s my nutritional credo… here, there, and everywhere… even in Europe, where I travel with a special blender. But there’s a reason for this…
- Lita Ford Tour Dates: a sneak peek at how things are shaping up… plus a special announcement awaits…
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #57 (5-7-2022) - Unearthing Ancient Audio Archives!!
- Ancient Audio Archives: Unearthing a 30-year-old cassette collection for my latest book...
- Keeping Hope Alive: Why this is important, and how we can do it.
- Journaling Exercise: Taking inventory of the many paths to your ultimate outcomes. (This one's a game-changer!)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #56 (4-30-2022) - It Takes a (Hell of a) Village
- Update... the here and now, plus a sabbatical lurks!
- What the original Alice Cooper Band can teach us about the genius of effective collaboration
- Capturing Mindfulness: a very personal pic, and a reminder to self...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #55 (4-23-2022) - All About the Money
- All About the Money… or at least this book excerpt is. How might the world’s most enlightened society view all things commerce? Let’s find out…
- The Truth About Money: What is it? Let’s find out...
- A "Fast Facts” Feature about yours truly from a rock rag some 31 years ago. How much of it is still factual? Once again… let’s find out!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #54 (4-16-2022) - Super-Nutrition 101: Get Your Greens!
- Ya gotta Get Those Greens if you wanna enjoy superior health. Here are a few ways to do it…
- Creativity wisdom from Alice Cooper’s original bassist… via his and Alice’s high school art teacher!
- Drum Vid Vault: A three-part series of vids from one of my favorite stops on my 2019 Drumming Tour of China
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #53 (4-9-2022) - A New Take on Some Old Wisdom
- A new take on some old wisdom… let’s go deep for a second!
- Classic Read: The staggering brilliance of Man’s Search for Meaning
- Lita Ford hit next weekend: Throwin’ that shit down with Winger
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #52 (4-2-2022) - The RICHest Man in Showbiz, 35 Years Gone...
- “Fuck singing!” - A retelling of one of my favorite Buddy Rich stories.
- The Digital Sunset - How shutting down your electronics an hour before bedtime can change your life.
- Drum Vid Vault - From "the land down under," we ran across more cool shit for the Vault this week.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #51 (3-26-2022) - Shitty First Drafts
- From the world of writing and authorship comes one of the more helpful life lessons around: Shitty First Drafts!
- Rare Old Photo... with a bit of backstory: my first serious band in high school
- Health Beat: a quick Q&A on the fake meat phenomenon: Beyond and Impossible burgers
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #50 (3-19-2022) - A Rock Star Has Left the Building
- A Spontaneous Reflection about the week behind us… and the largest view of life.
- A Tip of the Cap to an old friend who moved on this week. I posted this reflection on social the day after it went down, but thought you guys might dig reading it.
- A Short Book Excerpt about the critical role certain folks play in our journey… and why we should tell them about it.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #49 (3-12-2022) - The Struggle Behind the Scenes
- The Unseen Struggle of a career high-point… or low-point…or is there a difference?
- Neon Cactus: A spontaneous encapsulation of a thought-provoking reality-check moment in the studio… over two decades ago.
- Breaking Down a Few Joseph Campbell Quotes: Who better to look to for times such as these!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #48 (3-5-2022) - Information vs Validation
- Information vs Validation: What are you seeking in your daily evaluations and why should it matter?
- Down and Dirty: Taking a look at a renowned fruit juice powder that’s revered for its anti-inflammatory, exercise-recovery properties
- Drum Vid Vault: Capturing the heavy groove shit! A fresh new addition to our ever-expanding vault of vids
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #47 (2-26-2022) - Cruising into the Future of the Past
- Tracking the Training (or anything else that’s important to you): A quick look at mastering the “numbers game"… and why we should care.
- Cruising into the Future of the Past - Fun, fun, fun… and Deep Motherfuckin' Purple! (There are way more pics here than we normally have in the newsletter, but let's see how that goes this week...)
- Drum Vid Vault: Also from the cruise... the beloved "towel trick" and its baffling appeal.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #46 (2-19-2022) - Saying Goodbye to the Zen Master
- Quick preview of the Rock Legend's Cruise feature next time.
- Giving the Master his Due: a few words on one of my most beloved and influential mentors.
- A Personal Note: How the Zen master's wisdom helped me through my darkest days.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #45 (2-11-2022) - The Ecstasy of Isolation
- What can we glean from the "elective isolation” of both a rock cruise and a lockdown?
- Taking a closer look at the infamous SOS—Sugar/Oil/Salt—and why we should attempt to amend our diets of taking in so much of them
- Drum Vid Vault: This week’s vid is an excerpt from a drum solo at a Lita show in Norway, circa 2013
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #44 (2-4-2022) - ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY Edition: Behind the Scenes
- To Begin Again: For more than 25 years, I failed at trying to do a Newsletter consistently. This time has been different.
- A Few Special Newsletter Musings: Things you likely didn’t know about our Newsletter process (but will hopefully care to know!)
- Scope the Goods... and Honorable Mentions: Let’s check those kick-ass archives… and acknowledge the “Village” it takes to keep this thing rolling...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #43 (1-27-2022) - The Virtuous Life
- Your Top Virtues… Revealed: Why should we give a shit about what our top personal virtues are? Lend me your ear—and more importantly, take this quick quiz—and maybe I’ll get all “Aristotle" on your ass for a minute!
- Resolution Review: How are those New Year's Resolutions coming along? This might help…
- Drum Vid Vault: Some new solo excerpts from a recent outing with Lita Ford… and maybe another goodie or two.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #42 (1-20-2022) - Adventures in the Batmobile
- The Boy Is Gonna RIDE: As promised, here is the unedited version of the “Batmobile" story from my last memoir, The Boy Is Gonna Rock. Lighthearted stuff, to be sure, but always fun to drop in on the decadence of 80s culture anytime we can.
- One Big Question: Pondering what we SAY is important to us vs. what we actually DO every day.
- A Dirty Gallery in the Making!: We have been featuring each of the 18 super-potent ingredients of my custom blend superfood powder, Dragon Dirt, here in the Newsletter, and on social. Scope it out!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #41 (1-13-2022) - "Collecting Your Thoughts"
- "Poetry in Motion:" What does a popular quote from the Sufi mystic Rumi sound like as a thematic drum pattern? Now we know…
- Don’t let that genius idea get away! Here’s to the simple art of “Collecting Your Thoughts.”
- In Case You Missed It: More Black(light) magic here, in an updated article you might enjoy
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #40 (1-6-2022) - A Healthier Eating Hack
- Rare Photo Story: Revisiting one of the more mythical snare drums on earth… and the day I was lucky enough to get one.
- Hot Tip for a Healthier Cooking Habit: Batch that shit!
- Think on This... as we consider our pursuits in 2022.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #39 (12-30-2021) - In Defense of the New Year's Resolution
- As worn out as the notion may be, let's drill down on the New Year’s Resolution concept for a minute and see if there's any merit left for us…
- Either way, here are three heavy-duty contemplations to consider in your remaining moments of quiet in 2021
- The Mental Game: I talk about it at length with a couple of experts in a recent podcast.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #38 (12-16-2021) - An Extraordinary Gift!
- I Have the Greatest Friends: Wow! Check this out. One of the most personal—and more unusual—gifts you might see this year…
- More Mind Power: Continuing on with our build-a-better-brain theme, let’s talk “Visions and Digits.”
- Alphabet Soup: “Spelling out" two different words, on the drums, to create one unique groove on the Alphabet Kit. My favorite Black Sabbath song, reimagined.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #37 (12-9-2021) - Your Daily Exorcism
- DO Try This at Home, Kids!: A quick but thorough exploration of the magic of stream-of-consciousness journaling
- Down & Dirty: Whatgrass juice? - A bit about one of my all-time favorite superfoods—wheatgrass juice powder—and its role in “the most potent all-in-one superfood powder on the planet."
- Lita Ford Tour Dates Check-in - Scope the horizon... so far, at least. Plus a bit more Alphabet Drumming™ madness.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #36 (12-2-2021) - Getting the Show on the Road
- Getting the Show on the Road: My maiden voyage into “Glutton for Punishment” land. No regrets, friends…
- A Year of the Dirt: Celebrating one year since the pre-launch… today!
- Drum Vid Vault: More video archiving… this time with some alphabet drumming, multi-voice improv, and more. Let’s hit it!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #35 (11-26-2021) - A Moment of Gratitude
- 500 Consecutive Days of Meditation: Another pointless milestone? I'm thinking not...
- It's a Gratitude thing: A brief reflection on our official day of gratitude...
- A (year-round) Thanksgiving "Affirmation" to Scope: Something simple and cool that will affect your life in a meaningful way...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #34 (11-18-2021) - The Drum Vid Vault... Revealed!
- Everyday Martial Arts Wisdom for All: The often-unappreciated art of diffusing verbal conflict with the same eloquence that we diffuse potential physical conflict.
- Hot Tip: "Reps and Steps" in Rhythm: Here’s a cool tool for increasing speed and stamina in your training (or practice time).
- Vid from the Vault: At long last… the process of posting lots of playing vids of my "Alpha Kit” has begun, along with a commitment to post more drumming vids in general, more consistently.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #33 (11-11-2021) - A Love Supreme
- A Conversation with the World’s Wisest Man? Enjoy another slice today from my book, Zentauria. We delve deep into some big-time life stuff, and how WE get to choose the meaning behind everything that happens in our experience here.
- Into as of Late: This is music I’m into all the time, not just “as of late.” Nonetheless, we give the master his due with a quick look at “A Love Supreme,” a record I continue to obsess over decades after first hearing it.
- Trane - a poem: From the archives... an older piece of writing inspired by the main man.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #32 (11-4-2021) - Your Mega Memory
- Impress Your Friends at Parties! How to quickly memorize a list of 20 items, on the spot and in perfect order. If this kind of thing is new to you, consider this exercise a decent foray into the world of memory enhancement and “left-brain” conditioning.
- Two Steps to your "Mega Memory:" Here we arrive at the nitty-gritty of how you put it all together. Dig it!
- Lita Ford in Chicagoland—A Quick Retrospective: Just got back from a cool hit with Lita near Chicago, and thought I'd share a few pics.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #31 (10-28-2021) - The Nightmare Returns...
- The New Bobby Rock Store is Live, complete with some bells and whistles you might find interesting. Here’s the quick overview.
- Down and Dirty: Is this one of the world’s most potent herbs? No doubt. Let’s take a closer look at another of the eighteen all-star superfood ingredients in Dragon Dirt and see what it can do for you.
- "The Nightmare Returns:” ...and we are so glad he did. Here’s a brief excerpt from The Boy Is Gonna Rock, detailing that harrowing Halloween gig I did with VVI, opening up for Alice Cooper in his hometown of Detroit. (One of the scariest Halloweens ever!)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #30 (10-21-2021) - Embracing Failure
- “A Truckload of Rejection:” Learning a valuable lesson about reconciling our failures from writing guru, Steven Pressfield.
- Cardio Factor: Yes, I say, we must move the iron. But we also gotta tax our cardiovascular system regularly if we want to enjoy top level health and fitness. Here’s the quick overview on how…
- Geniuses Run Late: At least that's what we’ve always told ourselves… but now science concurs!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #29 (10-13-2021) - Blow Your Mind & Melt Your Heart!
- Melt Your Heart: If you might indulge me, here’s a quick, personal update on one of the most important beings in my life.
- Blow Your Mind: Curious to know how into something you really are… or someone else is? Check this out!
- Blow Your Mind Some More!: Continuing on with our 21st-Century Brain theme—and our humble aspirations for “superhuman” mental potential—we circle back around to one of my favorite concepts: left-brain/right-brain development. And who better to examine than two of our greatest geniuses?
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #28 (10-6-2021) - The "Fuck Yes!" Philosophy
- Hold out for the “Fuck Yes!” opportunity—as opposed to settling for the uninspired “affirmative" that may eventually become the unwelcomed obligation.
- Calendar Power: Inking something in stone on your calendar is a great way to either jumpstart or uplevel your workout, nutrition, and recovery regimen.
- Seen and Heard: Thrilled to participate in Eric Carr’s recent Metal Hall of Fame induction; Special “anniversary” podcast timing re: the Vinnie Vincent Invasion audition.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #27 (9-29-2021) - The Zen of Delayed Reaction
The Unseen: Yes, there is almost ALWAYS more to a situation than what the eyes can see. So why not delay that initial reaction and give yourself a chance to see it?
The 24-Hour Rule: You will love this one… and so will those around you once you master it!
Down & Dirty: Dragon Dirt ingredients spotlight on one of the most tested and legit performance-enhancing superfoods on the planet. (Also great for heart health!)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #26 (9-22-2021) - "Nelsonmania!"
- Behind the Hype: A new book excerpt detailing Nelson's inaugural, full-band autograph signing event in Los Angeles. Daaaamn!
- Bringing our 20th Century Brains into the 21st Century: Time to up our mental game, I say…
- Self-Evaluation on Your Brain Game: Setting the table for future contemplations on this important subject/practice...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #25 (9-15-2021) - Reinvention
- A Radical Reinvention: With “Reinvention" as our theme, we delve into another “Into as of Late” record that I think you might find interesting: a (mostly) all-female tribute to my boys, Slaughter, but with quite a unique twist. Read on…
- Reinvention Reflection: Some of our coolest creative ideas are those that involve reimagining some of our greatest influences. Let’s ponder...
- Pushing and Pulling: When in doubt, here’s a time-tested approach to resistance training that can’t fail. In fact, it remains the most common approach I take to a near-daily regimen of hitting the iron, even to this day.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #24 (9-8-2021) - Celebrating 45 Years of Sobriety
- My iWatch Calls Me Motherfucker!: A few initial observations on the almighty iWatch
- Celebration Day: Musings on a landmark sobriety anniversary. But did I really have a choice? (Yes… but no.)
- Meditate on THIS: Wise words from the Buddha regarding attachments…
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #23 (9-1-2021) - The Game of Life
- The Game of Life: A “four quarters” philosophy that you just might find useful.
- Rumi Speaks: The wisdom of staying up all night… at least according to my biased interpretation of one of "the main man's" poems.
- Water Works: A quick crash course in superior hydration... and a simple reminder to drink more water! Everything about your health and nutrition begins and ends here
- Musings: Reflecting on the epic life experience of my 2019 solo drumming tour of China
- A "Winning" Tip for Peak Performance: What can we learn from a world champion sharpshooting bad-ass? Plenty!
- Down and Dirty: Dragon Dirt ingredients spotlight on one of the classic must-haves for anyone looking to up their nutrition game...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #21 (8-18-2021) - Da Vinci Journal Syndrome
- Into as of Late: My preoccupation with one killer drummer from Iran continues. I play his records in a loop at my desk, create intricate odd-meter practice pad routines to his solos, and even meditate to his music on occasion. Read on…
- Book Excerpt: A da VInci-inspired piece from my book, Zentauria.
- On Doing the Work: Musings on a famous Thoreau quote that is probably more relative today than it was 180 years ago when he wrote it.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #20 (8-12-2021) - Your Gold Medal Moment
- Your Gold Medal Moment: An Olympics-inspired contemplation worth contemplating!
- Don’t Stop! How and why to make it through the uninspired workout.
- Down & Dirty: Dragon Dirt ingredients spotlight on one of the most mysterious, potent, intriguing mushroom adaptogens on earth...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #19 (8-5-2021) - A 35th Anniversary Special!
- The VVI debut turns 35! - With a little then-and-now reflection...
- First Thing in the Morning - Something helpful to kickstart another day of unparalleled creativity! (Or something like that…)
- A B-12 Crash Course - Getting enough of this important nutrient.
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #18 (7-28-2021) - The Guy In Ratt
- “The Guy in Ratt”- a rare, rhyming poem I wrote over 13 years ago. While I still find it amusing to revisit this particular juncture in the journey, I’m reminded of how, indeed, the rough times make us tougher and more resilient.
- The Barrier: Why is it so hard to stick with those healthy new habits that we know we should be sticking to?
- Your Higher Calling: A Journaling Exercise - This is a solid and (hopefully) inspiring contemplation!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #17 (7-21-2021) - Going From Good To Great
- Quick Tip on Protein Requirements
- Ignoring Unvetted Criticism
- Podcast Magic: Tim Ferris interviewing Jim Collins (Two Episodes)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #16 (7-15-2021) - This is Your Brain on Meditation
- A Year of Daily Meditation - Just completed this goal this week and wanted to talk in a bit more detail about the upside of an undervalued practice.
- Down and Dirty: “Blueberries on steroids!” Meet Maqui Berry… yet another super-potent fruit in Dragon Dirt
- July Tour Dates (with Lita Ford)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #15B (7-7-2021) - Into The Void
- Jumping Into the Void
- Count Reps, Not Time
- A Year of Daily Meditation (on the horizon)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #15 (7-1-2021) - Who Needs Sleep
- Who Needs Sleep? - Musings on the importance of sleep, and my longtime, highly-dysfunctional relationship with it. (A timely topic, given the post-covid return of road life!)
- Dragon Dirt turns 6 months old!
- July Tour Dates (with Lita Ford)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #14 (6-16-2021) - The Great American, Grass Roots, Rockin' Road Warrior Dream
- The Great American, Grass Roots, Rockin’ Road Warrior Dream: Another cool book excerpt from my upcoming memoir: Will Drum For Food
- Get ready to feel the burn with: Five MORE Steps to Increased Training Intensity
- Find it Fast: The main BR links in one place
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #13 (6-2-2021) - The Silence is Deafening
- The Silence is Deafening: Reflections on a Weekend of Primal Beauty and… Silence!
- On the Road: First post-pandemic show with Lita Ford, coming right up this weekend
- Down & Dirty: The Power is in the Pea
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #12 (5-19-2021) - All Systems Rock!
- In celebration of two key anniversaries this week, enjoy an excerpt from my memoir, The Boy Is Gonna Rock
- Five Steps to More Training Intensity
- Hot Links at Hand: Tons of New Tour Dates; Newsletter Archives; BR News Feed; Merch and Dirt
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #11 (5-5-2021) - A Road Dawg Remembered
A Road Dawg Remembered: Rest in peace, mighty Munch man!
Into as of Late: Moxy - Revisiting the classic hard rockers from Canada
Down and Dirty: Feel the Power of the Golden Powder
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #10 (4-21-2021) - Let's Get Triggered!
- Let's Get Triggered!: My personal obsession with blacklight posters
- Rethinking Pushups
- Down and Dirty: Exploring One of the Most Nutritious Leaves on the Planet
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #9 (4-7-2021) - Crawling Toward Infamy
- Your Future Self: A Journaling Exercise
- Dragon Dirt Community Featured Dirt-Drinker: Pam Fogarty (Quick Q&A)
- Preview from my upcoming book: Will Drum For Food - "The Auditorium"
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #8 (3-24-2021) - Run Your Race
- Musings: Run Your Race
- Found! More Rare Artifacts (of the VVI variety)
- Dragon Dirt Community Featured Dirt-Drinker: Malcolm Gil (Quick Q&A)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #7 (3-17-2021) - If You Will Indulge Me...
- If You Will Indulge Me... (A Personal Message)
- Dragon Dirt T-shirts on the Horizon!
- Seen and Heard: A new book and podcast (that I'm in) that might be of interest...
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #6 (3-10-2021) - Are You Ready For This?
- Musings: Are You Ready For This?
- BR Health Beat: Plan on a Daily Workout... Even if it Doesn't Always Work Out!
- Down & Dirty: Could this be the world's healthiest fruit?
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #5 (3-3-2021) - Crash!
- Memoir: Crash!!! Surviving Near-death Near El Paso...
- BR Health Beat - Edamame: It's What's for Snacking!
- Dragon Dirt Community Featured Dirt-Drinker: E. Clint Allen (Quick Q&A)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #4 (2-24-2021) - Rock-Solid Routines
- Four Factors in Creating YOUR Rock-Solid Workout Routine
- Into as of Late: Shoe Dog - Phil Knight, plus Hiromi (several titles mentioned)
- Dragon Dirt Smoothie Science: A Visual Approach to the Dragon Dirt Formula (and How it Came to Be)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #3 (2-17-2021) - If These Drums Could Talk...
- Musings: If These Drums Could Talk...
- Three Life-Changing Nutritional Practices to Try Immediately
- Dragon Dirt Community Featured Dirt-Drinker: Craig LeMay (Quick Q&A)
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #2 (2-10-2021) - Behind the Curtain
- New Book Preview - Will Drum For Food - "An Evening of Nunsense"
- The Case for Audiobooks
- Dragon Dirt Community - Down & Dirty Q&A: When is the best time of day to have a superfood smoothie?
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #1 (2-3-2021) - To Begin Again...
- Update on the Kick-Ass New Lita Ford Record
- What in the Hell are Micro-Workouts?
- Dragon Dirt Community - Featured Dirt-Drinker: Andrea Volpp (Quick Q&A)