
Bobby’s Super-Food Chain Nutrition concepts, Rock-Solid Fitness method of exercise, and powerful Mega Mind/Body Connect tools, all lead the way to an animal and earth-friendly approach to superior health and wellness. Let Bobby show you how to eat like a rhino, meditate like a monk and train like the devil!
Tons of info awaits below in Bobby's various articles, book excerpts, and posts: More info added weekly!
Three Life-Changing Nutritional Practices to Try Immediately
Superfood Smoothie Science: A Visual Approach to the Dragon Dirt Formula
Superfood Smoothie Science: Best Time To Consume?
Edamame: It’s What’s for Snacking!
The Barrier (to Superior Health)
For more posts about Nutrition, go here:
Four Factors in Creating YOUR Rock-Solid Workout Routine
Micro-Workouts for Improved Fitness and Conditioning
Plan on a Daily Workout... Even if it Doesn't Always Work Out!
Rethinking Pushups
Ten Steps to More Training Intensity
For posts about Exercise, go here:
Mind/Body Connection
The Silence is Deafening
This is Your Brain on Meditation
Who Needs Sleep?
Your "Mega Memory"
For posts about the Mind/Body Connection, go here: